How Many Corys In 2ft (60l) Tank?


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone, sorry for the stupid question. But ive done some searches on the forum and cant really find the answer to m question. I have 2 2FT tanks that i want to have as cory only. One is 60L with a smallish base, and the other is 55L and with a bigger base, shorter height which i believe suits corys more. How many corys could i fit in them? They will be maintained every week with a 20-40% water change done each week. Thanks in advance.

Which Cories are you looking at? I started a 20 usg long (30 inches) with 6 Brochis splendens. They are a very large fish, and they did quite well. I believe I could have started with more. A 15 usg could manage 5 or six bronze Cories or Peppered Cories imo. A smaller species like pandas could have 10 or more. This is just my opinion and personal experience. I will usually have very good filtration--as many filters as I can put on the tank. :rolleyes:

I think many would disagree. But I have always found that I was able to have more Cories than the "rule." Keep the substrate a thin layer of sand and keep it clean.
I currently have 3 sterbai and 2 peppers in together in th 55L. They arent full grown yet but i think i could get away with having 3 or 4 of each in there. Im not really interested in keeping panda's due to them being senistive to water quality and that they are quite hard to come by in aus. Thanks
Breeders regularly put 5 aeneus in a 10 usg to spawn. I think rule of thumb is probably 5-6 larger Cories like bronze or peppers in a 10 usg. That would be full grown breeders. I wouldn't think twice about putting 8 juvies in a 10 gallon with 2 filters.
Im thinking of putting 4 sterbai and 4 pepper in a 13 US gal. I rekon it would be ok to do that. Thanks for your help so far sue.
Generally.. no more than 6-8 of the larger Corys, but as above with Panda's you could probably strech to 12 or 14. Always remember though, it often goes by how well you tank is maintained and flitered too.. for example 8 Bronze Corys might do well in a 2ft, but if the tank isn't properly maintained you will run into problems quickly.
I know that. I do a big water change each week. Bigger then wat most people would do. I do around 40-50% each week and full clean (gravel, ornaments, plants) The only problem i have is that i go away alot for work and am away from my tanks for about 3 wks thats where it could be a problem. But hopefully moving out soon and my other half can clean my tanks while im away hehe.

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