How long?

Discus man

Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
wakefield where the sun never shines.
I would like to know how long a betta will live for it is going in a 4 foot tank and if it starts fin nipping in a breeding trap still in the 4 foot tank it has alot of plants and good hiding places.

I would also like to know if they will be fine with discus.


Discus man
beg for a 1 gallon Aquaview plus i have those my mom lets my have 4 i am ok. they fit in small places . dont put a betta in that breeder thing thats wayyy too small . discus +betta =no no they would kill the betta.
Is there any way you can divide a section off at one end of the tank for your betta? 4 feet is a lot of territory to patrol and he may wear himself out trying to do it. Also he will be able to see the other fish so won't be lonely but not able to get at them or them to get at him.

The flow of the filter will also be slowed down for him in the divided section which could suit him better as not all bettas like fast flowing water.

Bettas are quite old when you get them in the store so its hard to say how long he will live for. I've not had one last more than 6 months so far :(
If you really want one, as said before, get a 1g tank. They're not exactly huge, are they? But if it comes to it, divide off about 5 inches for a betta.
If you do a search on this site for "dividers" then it should bring up lots of posts on how to make them and cheap alternatives using plastic craft canvas. I know because I've been looking today myself :)
Discus man said:
Iahve bog wood what about that?
what if i got two breeding nets and joined them together?
If you're going to do something, do it right... don't try to find alternatives that work for you but not for the fish. The fish's wellbeing should be your #1 priority.
Like has already been mentioned, I suggest either begging for a 1 gallon tank or getting a tank divider of some sort. Breeding nets are simply too small, even if you join several of them together *lol*

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