How Long Will My Fish Live?

Great idea doing this list. It definitely needs pinning as it will be a great help to many members. :good:
maby it was a good idea not 2 do the plecs your list would be massive thers hudreds of them !!! lol
Of course, people have to be aware that because fish of a certain species can live to a certain age, it doesn't mean every single individual will. It's not always because they've been badly looked after either. It's like humans- we all assume that we're going to see 80, but those of us who have reached middle age will probably already have lost a few friends of half that age. Fish too can get tumours or sudden organ failure, and accidents do happen. In the wild, a very small percentage of the fish would be reaching anything like their "natural" lifespan, hopefully we can do better in captivity, but not in every single case. Not saying this to encourage bad husbandry of course, just pointing out the obvious.
good topic timmystood :good:

Of course, people have to be aware that because fish of a certain species can live to a certain age, it doesn't mean every single individual will. It's not always because they've been badly looked after either. It's like humans- we all assume that we're going to see 80, but those of us who have reached middle age will probably already have lost a few friends of half that age. Fish too can get tumours or sudden organ failure, and accidents do happen. In the wild, a very small percentage of the fish would be reaching anything like their "natural" lifespan, hopefully we can do better in captivity, but not in every single case. Not saying this to encourage bad husbandry of course, just pointing out the obvious.

spot on DG

one thing that surprised me but actually sort of makes sense, i've found as some of my shoals of small community fish were coming up to 5 years that the whole shoal (or a large part of it) would die within a couple of weeks of each other. never found any diseases so had to assume old age. when you think about it they've all lived almost identical lives, in the same tanks, with the same threats, same water conditions, same amount of food etc etc. Stands to reason they'd die around the same time if it's natural causes.
I know this is a bit late, but Apistos can be annual cichlids and some sp. dont live for very long at all, but others are slow to grow and mature and so live for longer, 5 years maby.
Koi are you sure they can live over 200 years. I'm skeptical, very skeptical, did you mean 20 +?

O and I'm not 100 percent sure but are you sure you compiled that?, or did you take that from another website?. If you did, give credit where it is due. Or it seems like you did, and changed a few, added a few removed 1 or two and then for the ones with lifespans from/to you averaged into the middle of it. But possibly thanks to

Yet, there is very little resource on the interweb in terms of how long the common tropical freshwater fish can expect to live in captivity under the right conditions. It's for this reason I have compiled the following list of expected live spans in common tropical fish

Are you sure you want to stick by this statement. Sorry to call you out on this, but plagiary without an sort of credit can irritate me, as it has happened to me multiple times, poeople stealing my work, so it tweaks my nerves a bit.


And before you pin this, I am making a quick list for all these fish and more, that will include their desired ph, maxium length/prefered tank sizes, food and healthy diet, and Difficulty level (advanced/medium/easy), Agression level (Peaceful/Semi/very) And also Hardy or not hardy so people can decide what fish to get.
And before you pin this, I am making a quick list for all these fish and more, that will include their desired ph, maxium length/prefered tank sizes, food and healthy diet, and Difficulty level (advanced/medium/easy), Agression level (Peaceful/Semi/very) And also Hardy or not hardy so people can decide what fish to get.

Why not just use the Species lists at the top of the homepage? Or better yet, get a couple of good books?
Yeah but some people will be too lazy. I know for the species list compared to this, it can be simply more easy to have an alphabetical list like this, especially for people like me. :lol:

And the biggest part about this little projecy for me is, it will force me to learn about each and every fish I put info on, so for me, it will help make me a little more knowledgeable, something I will enjoy.
True enough, where will it be?

I always think a good fish book can do more for any fish keeper than most of the internet.
I'll put it in tropical chat forum I suppose, and will be fully open to any tweakings. Would you mind posting your severum stats based on these questions?

- What PH do my fish like?
- What food do I need to make them grow big and healthy?
- If I feed them right, how long can they live?
- Are they EASY, INTERMEDIATE, OR ADVANCED in difficulty?
- Are they Hardy, Fairly Hardy, or Not Hardy?
- How big can they get?
- And how aggressive?????
should i be happy or sad if my black skirt tetra is 5+ (about 5 years and 2 months) years old?

Edit: Add lemon tetras to the list
- lifespawn of 5 years.
I've always thought that koi live up to 50years on average...

Anway, are we talking about maximum life expectancies or average life expectancies here? Because these will vary massively. The oldist lived goldfish on record lived for 47 years for example and was a normal Common or Comet Goldfish i believe. Fancy goldfish tend to live less than non-fancy goldfish. You need to be more specific about these things.
I heard that 200 years for a koi is a scam. From what I have heard there was some "King" somewhere who loved his koi and would have killed their keeper if he ever found out that it died. So the fish was quickly replaced with a specimen of equal size and color when it died. Then his son took over as "King" and had the same love for the fish. The fish could have been replaced dozens of times.

I find it very hard to believe that a fish can live 200 years and harder to believe that this could be proven.

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