Well it depends on what kind of fish your getting, what size tanks they are, and if they have filters in them.Well I'm kind of confused on what Danny101 means - "how long with water treatment"
Danny - if you're trying to cycle the tank, which is good because you have a 5gal tank and don't want to keep doing weekly water changes on that sucker (I am soo lazy) then you can do the cycle w/ the betta living in the 5gal. You're going to have to monitor the levels and do partial changes weekly til the numbers are right on! That should take 6-8 weeks.
If you talking about how long does it take to treat water so it can be ready for the betta to live in. . . then some dechlor should do the trick (in seconds!!).But if you don't have the stuff then you can set the water out for a day and that's works just as good.
OMG - did I go into this too much???![]()
Thanks you have just told me what i needed to know aswell
.I am about to fill some tanks and was wondering how long before i could ad fish.Not like i am impatient or anything
Danny I think you confused people with the title "How long to cycle?" but if you had the topic title as something like "How long after putting dechloranator will it be safe for fish?" then people would have said something like sukie said.