How Long Should It Take Cories To Reach 1 Inch From Fry?


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2011
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As you know I've had cory eggs and now 50-60 fry. At the moment they are in a large plastic tub, but I can't keep them for months and months in this tub, I originally thought they would reach 1 inch or thereabouts ina bout 6 weeks, bercause of their current growth rate! But after some research it has been suggested that it can take up to 6 months!

Am I just naive or do they actually take half a year to grow 1 inch? I though lfs cories were less than 3 months old and all mine weren't much over an inch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
As you know I've had cory eggs and now 50-60 fry. At the moment they are in a large plastic tub, but I can't keep them for months and months in this tub, I originally thought they would reach 1 inch or thereabouts ina bout 6 weeks, bercause of their current growth rate! But after some research it has been suggested that it can take up to 6 months!

Am I just naive or do they actually take half a year to grow 1 inch? I though lfs cories were less than 3 months old and all mine weren't much over an inch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

My albino's were born in January 10 and were almost an inch by April 10. They would probably grow quicker in a bigger grow out tank, mine were in a breeding net.
I agree with Jamepsss, the size of the of the tank hold the fry will greatly influence the quickness of any growth, along with water quality and available food. I also raise my fry in a suspended net in the parents tank, but I let the fry out with the adults once they are around 1/2 - 1cm. I have had fry grow up from eggs in the tank at the same time that I had eggs/ fry in the suspended net and the ones out of the net grew a lot faster.
Thankyou for all the replies, I didn't realise I had any!

They are in a fairly big container at the moment, I'd say about 10 gallons, lost a few but the remaining ones seem to be doing fine now, all growing ALOT!

I've read elsewhere that the bigger the grow out tank, the faster they grow, which is pretty logical, thankyou for your advice :)

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