How long have you had fish?

I've been into aquariums for:

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  • Under a year

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  • 15

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Someone who is enthusiastic about Gudgeons I suspect. He has a picture of one in his avatar after all...
We've had a tank in the house for about 5-8 years now but I never really took much interest until 1 1/2 years ago. :)
I've been keeping tropicals for 35 years or thereabouts. My enthusiasm has waxed and waned but I've always had a tank or six about the place. I'm currently working on a 50 gallon Tetra, Corydoras and L number South American community. :D
About 33 years , I was 9 or 10 when I started .
I had fish on and off since I was 9. But had my main run with them for about a yr & half now, I had my cold water for 3 weeks at fist and then made it tropical, I had that for six months, then had to give up my tanks. :-(

I then managed after a 6 month gap to get into a persition where I could have some fish again, and now had them for a year, and hope to have them for many more.

so in time it been a year, but it ya count the gap, its 2 year since I fist started.

I've lernt so much though that it feels so much longer, I now find myself having to hold my tounge when I think people are buying the wong fish for there tank at my LFS. LOL
5 years for me, not counting the years I kept goldfish that I had won at fairs. :rolleyes:
I have been keeping fish for just about all of the past 35-38 years, I'm not sure how old I was when I got my first guppies but I was pretty young. I am 44 now. Only time I didn't have fish was when I split up from my ex-wife. She got everything in the house, I got the kids. I have no idea what happened to the large tank I had in our old living room, but I was not in a position to be able to take it with me :no: . A couple of years later I married again, and my kids and new wife bought me a 10 gallon tank for Father's Day :D . That was soon followed by a 29, then a 50, then a saltwater tank. A couple years ago we moved to our new house and I have made the garage/workshop into a fishroom where I keep my 34 (and counting) fishtanks. :cool: All the years I have been in this hobby I am finally enjoying it the way I have always wanted to. There is always work to be done in the fishroom, but at the same time it is the best place to relax with some good tunes and just sit and watch fish.

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