How long have you been in the hobby?


New Member
Mar 20, 2004
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I was wondering how long you have been in the hobby? How many fish do you have and name them.

I have been in fish keeping for almost 9 years. I would name off all of the fish again, but if you read my signature, you will see what I have. Too many to write down again!

Welcome! :hi:
I've been keeping tanks for 4 years. Right now all I have set up is a 10 gallon. The fish are in my sig.
20 years - a few small breaks between living in VA and moving to AK. The current list is close and it is in my sig. Welcome to the forum :D

I have been keeping fish for about 6 years. Most of the kinds of fish I have are in my sig. but some are not: Orange swordtails, Green swordtails, fancy fantailed guppies, 2 goldfish (the BIG one is in the 15 g) a betta, gold tetra, Black skirt tetra, lemon tet, neon tet, Black neon tet, Mirror blue tet, Glow light tet, and green fire tetras
I've been in the hobby for about a month now.

Thanks to this forum, I currently have a stable, planted tank with healthy fish that have never had anything but 0 ammonia and nitrites.
Ive been in the hobby almost three years and ill name the fish ive named (I've just recently started naming them so few have names)
Zues the paradise gourami (my favorite fish)
hades the pleco
Rocky the platty
Peach the platty
Puff the cinnamin dwarf gourami
I dont really think you should link another site.

Welcome to FF though.
About 3 months since beginning of january, and have 2 elactric yellows cichlids, 1 Kennyi cichlid, and 1 nimbochromis venustus cichlid all africans
I've been keeping fish for over 20 years.
Far to many different fish that I have kept so I will just name a few.

I have kept salt water tanks - had seahorses.
Brackish tanks.
Freshwater tanks.

Currently I only have 1 tank set up. It is a planted discus tank. I will have a second tank set up shortly, almost done building my stand. It will be to raise the fry of my discus.
i'v had fish in the house since i was born!!! my parents just don't like big tanks!!! thats why it took ages to persuade them to let me get disucs this year, after i worked many hours!!!
:hi: to the forum

I have been keeping fish for about 1 1/2 years. I started with a 10US gallon coldwater tank with way too many fish etc and I now have what's in my signature. I still have the 10US but it is now a 'hospital' tank and believe it or not I also have a fair few of the 10 fish I put in it to start with!

I name most of my fish but with so many (about 80 I think) it's difficult to name them all, especially with fish like peppered cories. I can only tell 2 of them apart from the other 6 becuase they are older and one has lost an eye.


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