how long for first cyle


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
miami, florida
i just got my first aquarium, a 20 gallon u.s. . its going to be freshwater, and ive added gravel, and i used some gravel from an already established tank. i also have two live plants, an amazon sword and a dwarf sagitaria. its been filtering for a couple hours and i put in a little feeder guppy and its doing fine. i wanted to know how many days after setup until i can add tetras, and eventually corys, rasboras, and others.
if u gust put those fish in a tank that just got setup then they won't las very long. u havent evan if u added old gravel. u should know better. It's not difficault to wait a few weeks before putting fish in it. get those fish out and into a mature tank then wait a wekk test the water.
Sound to me like you are cycleing the tank just fine.. ?

The single feeder guppy will not add a hudge bio load to the tank, and should help in the cycle of the tank, teh gravel you used from the old tank will have the needed bacteria, so they only need to multiply.

for the tetras and other fish you might want to get a test kit to test the ammonia and nitrates,

your looking at 3 -6 weeks.
i didn't add tetras and corys yet, thats what i want to eventually add. but i did add a feeder guppy. thanks for the advice though

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