Fish Crazy
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you here, I am actually a bit annoyed at all the so called experts on here saying it only takes 4-6 weeks to cycle a tank from scratch, it CAN and has taken a lot longer and to the point that frustration can actually put people off.If one does the fishless cycle properly, then with no seeding from other tanks nor the addition of one of the few additives that does work, it should take you from 5-6 weeks. The use of seeding will reduce that time accordingly- that is the more bacteria you can start with, the faster the cycle goes. Given sufficient starter amounts, a tank can be instantly cycled.
What will greatly extend this time is if you dose ammonia according to what most people would suggest- that is 4 - 5 ppm. It will take longer if you are dosing ammonia daily. If ammonia levels are allowed to reach these dosing levels daily, the nitrite spike will be horrid amd will also extend or stall the cycle.
I suggest you dose 2-3 ppm of ammonia and only redose when ammonia has dropped to 0. Once you have seen nitrites appear, then spike and finally drop to 0, you should be able to dose 2-3 ppm of ammonia and then test 0 ammonia and O nitrites in under 24 hours. Nitrate will usually rise as a result (save in well planted tanks) and this indicates your tank is cycled and ready for fish.
In general fishless cycling will proceed fastest when the tank pH is in the 8.2 range and the temp is in the mid 80s. The closer one gets to under pH 7.0, the slower things may go and if you drop below 6.5, it will usually stall completely.
In order to get the best results, use water changes to get ammonia or nitrite levels below 5ppm should they reach that level and to hold the pH at 7 or above should it drop below.
I think it is only fair to let people know (especially newbies) what they could be in to, I done everything correctly to the letter except I dosed the lower ammonia 2ppm, my PH was 8.2 through out.
I got so annoyed after 5 weeks I got another tank and started that one with a mature media donation from my LFS and kept the other tank cycling as an experiment, the media donation helped to cycle this tanks filter in 3 weeks.