Ask your neighbour nicely and plug in an extension cable, thats if you got nice neighbours. If not then in all honestly im sure it will be fine. Just fire it up as soon as you can and then test the water for a few days.
I'd say, just to be on the safe side, take out your filter media and sink it in the tank. That way it can still be at work changing over any ammonia produced.
no it can't, it requires a constant flow of water containing ammonia to run over it, if it's sitting at the botom of a tank this can not occur - otherwise our substrates would be full of bacteria, which they are not.
well, it can be done, but yes, you do need a flow of water over it which you can only really do with a pump. You often see baskets of media in fish shops sitting in the base of a tank but they pump shed loads of water through their tanks.