How Long Can She Be In A Bag


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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How long could two baby BN plecos last in a bag. I'm planning on buying two tonight hoping one will be a female and giving one once I can sex them to my aunt tonight. How long will they be able to last safely in a cooler to keep the temp stable? Would they be ok for an hour?

thanks so much :good:
If properly bagged they will be fine for 12+ hours.
Pretty unbelievable, but true. I bring angels to auctions that are bagged for that amount of time without a problem, I know guys that breed plecs & corys that will bag them the night before.

Fish that are shipped go for 12 - 24 hours being bagged.
I send fish and 24 hours is fine as long as their is enough air space n the bag.
But just make sure their kept warm, they will not last long if they get cold.
I have heard of plecos lasting 70 hours.

Discus to arrive in New Zealand has to deal with a 70 hour flight time. Now we know how touch these fish are, so if a discus can do it a BN can do it.
I've had Hypancistrus zebra shipped from Germany overnight and then a five hour drive from Manchester Airport to home and they survived no problems at all.

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