How Long Can A Well Fed Betta Go Without Food For?

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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Well, I travel a lot in the summer, somtimes for a week or more at a time, and was wondering how long my betta will be able to go without food? I currently have him in a bowl and can bring him with me if need be on some trips but not all.
Should be ok for a week... just be sure his water is clean before you go away.. a week without a water change shouldn't be too bad.. but it definitely isn't good.

If you could get someone to come over once while you're gone for a week and do a big water change, it would be good.
A week is fine, he/she wont starve, and sometime people leave food in there for if tey get hungry, which rots if uneaten, and then thats much worse for the betta.
make sure he/shes healthy and is well fed, so say fed twice a day maybe 4 day before, and then left.

as long as the waters clean when you leave and its in good conition, then youll be fine :good:

A week is fine, he/she wont starve, and sometime people leave food in there for if tey get hungry, which rots if uneaten, and then thats much worse for the betta.
make sure he/shes healthy and is well fed, so say fed twice a day maybe 4 day before, and then left.

as long as the waters clean when you leave and its in good conition, then youll be fine :good:


k, cool :) How well do you think tiger barbs, a dwarf gourami and zebra danios will do without food for a week? I have a 7 day feeder block I can use if need be.
i have no experience with feeder blocks but most people will tell you there a waste of time and money and in some cases even end up killing the fish due to water pollution
i have no experience with feeder blocks but most people will tell you there a waste of time and money and in some cases even end up killing the fish due to water pollution

Well it would be going into a well cycled 20 gallon tank, and i've seen them in the tanks at the lfs, and they seems to be alright. They also gradually release water conditioner to help keep the fish happy and healthy.
You're better off leaving them without food, Mako. I've heard horror stories about feeding blocks. They'll be fine.

I'll be leaving my fish for a week too, this coming weekend. I'm leaving betta juvies, only a couple of months old. And cichlid fry that are just over a week old. No babysitter, no food, fingers crossed :)
Yea they should be ok to go without food for a week, just make sure you fatten them up before you leave and make sure their water is super clean.
I always give my fish some fresh weed on the assumption that if they are peckish they can eat that, :S
You give your fish Weed? :lol: :hey: :D

Sorry, am picturing some stoner friends saying something like "Hey man, thats a waste of goods."

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