How Long Before Your Pepermints Ate Aiptasia


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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hey ive just added a pepremint shruimp into my tnak (yesterday) and it molted last night and would liek to know how long did you have the pepermint shrimp before you noticed aiptasia disapearing?
hey ive just added a pepremint shruimp into my tnak (yesterday) and it molted last night and would liek to know how long did you have the pepermint shrimp before you noticed aiptasia disapearing?

Its no guarantee that he will eat it, some just doesnt want it. I was lucky to get 1 that ate it and after the first night it (Aiptasia) was all gone.
oki dokes m hoping mine will get too it quikly otherwise i may have to have a nice word with the LFS adn see if i can trade for another one.
Apitasia is a sort of pest anenome

ours got to work straight away, we squirted the big ones with joe's juice and left the shrimps to it with the little ones, was a week or so later we noticed there were none at all in the tank. not seen a single one since.
Apitasia is a sort of pest anenome

ours got to work straight away, we squirted the big ones with joe's juice and left the shrimps to it with the little ones, was a week or so later we noticed there were none at all in the tank. not seen a single one since.

My experience was just what you described. My wife added 2 peppermints to her tank and a week later, no anemone's to be seen anywhere. She returned them for store credit after they were done eating (fat and happy, no doubt).
great news looked into the tnak and not an aiptasia in sight. He obviously just needed to settle in a bit

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