How Long Before She Drops

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Sep 4, 2013
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Hi could anyone tell me when I should be expecting fry please
Between 1 and 9 months after mating, every 1-50 days depending on species and conditions assuming that the fish are healthy ;) You might want to tell us which species you're asking about :)
Sorry I thought I uploaded a picture she's a guppy with a big black gravies spot and very fat and started going square she's still eatting but she seems to be more aggressive when taking her food
This is the fish


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Gravid spots aren't a good way to tell.  I have had female guppies who have always had a dark gravid spot even when they have never been bred before (raised in an only female tank) and I have had some where they don't get any "gravid spot".  But looking at your female She doesn't seem very long or very old.  Her tummy isn't super huge, but she is also a smaller female.  
Because she is getting a bit agressive I would say maybe a week or two max.  It is hard to tell with a picture.
I hope this helps, sorry if I am off! 
Based off her size and stomach swell I'd agree with her dropping within two weeks

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