How Long Before A Fish Eats?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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its coming up to 24 hours since ive had 'fish' and he's still not eaten. ive tried him with a blood worm which he swam away from looking scared (wuss) so then tried him with some hikari stuff (little ball type round floating pellet thing) i put three in and all three are still there. ive taken the worm back out incase it rots should i take the pellets out after an hour? would he still be 'settling in' now or is it possible he is uninterested in what im offering him?

*over anxious new betta keeper*
its coming up to 24 hours since ive had 'fish' and he's still not eaten. ive tried him with a blood worm which he swam away from looking scared (wuss) so then tried him with some hikari stuff (little ball type round floating pellet thing) i put three in and all three are still there. ive taken the worm back out incase it rots should i take the pellets out after an hour? would he still be 'settling in' now or is it possible he is uninterested in what im offering him?

*over anxious new betta keeper*

ive had my new guy for about a week and he has only eaten two meals of bloodworms. he sees his pellets, even ate one but spit it out...he seems settled in but is still a bit "jumpy" like you describe yours as being...i think some just take some time to REALLY get used to their new homes. just keep offering food and eventually, he'll is unlikely that a well fish will starve himself...give some more time.
I wouldn't worry =] He's probably still settling in. After 4 days or so of not eating I'd start to get a little concerned. Do you know what he was fed where you got him? You might have to wean him off the food he has grown up eating.

It's often advised not to feed new fish for the first 24 hrs because they will be settling in, won't eat it and the food just rots. fish out the pellets if he's not had them and try again tomorrow.

fish can go up to 2 weeks without food comfortably so you don't need to even start being conerned for another few days :D
Is he active?
how are his colours? coloured up/washed out?
Are all water stats ok?

Provided he's pretty lively i wouldn't be too worried at this point, try offering different foods and see if he takes any,
if it has been brought from a lfs then I would try feeding a bit of flake and see if he responds to that
he's still flaring and at my son and exploring his tank. but everytime i go over he is totally still untill i go away again. maybe im checking on him too much. i do tend to mother my fish a bit too much.

ok pellets are fished out and im not gonna go over to him for a while.
colours are fine water stats fine
LFS only feeds there fish on defrosted frozen food 6 x days a week varies daily between bloodworms/brine shrimp and the veggy one
I had the same thing happen when I bought my first Betta 6 months ago. Mine refused to eat for several days. I tried to feed him pellets, flakes, and dried bloodworms but he wouldn't have any of it. Switching to frozen food made a huge difference. Now he eats like a pig. I feed only frozen food...brine shrimp, bloodworms, and beef heart. Mine also loves frozen peas which I give him 3 times a week.

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