How in the world?


Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Washington DC Metro Area
Hey all!

Can someone tell me how you put a tank background on an all ready set up 45 gallon aquarium. When I bought the background, I thought it was sticky and you could just stick in on the back... but, no can do. My tank is set up and has been for a while; I cannot just move it to get better access to the back. It's full of water and angelfish.

Also (and this may be stupid), how do you cut it to measure your exact tank measurements? I had a heck of a time with that, too.

So, please help.

Thanks much.
To cut it to the correct measurements, have you tried using a tape measure and penciling a line across so you can cut it.

Also i stick my backings on with either bluetack or tape.
Thanks, corrosive. Actually, as obvious as it seems, I didn't try the tape measure.

Why don't these things come pre cut for certain tank sizes? ;)

Cali said:
Thanks, corrosive. Actually, as obvious as it seems, I didn't try the tape measure.

Why don't these things come pre cut for certain tank sizes? ;)

Yeh i know :dunno: is bloody annoying, i know where im going to be working they have two sizes 2ft high, or 1ft high. Typically my tank would be in between both those sizes wouldnt it :X.
Cali said:
Why don't these things come pre cut for certain tank sizes? ;)
rofl, wouldn't that be great? :p

Remember that if you cut from the top you may behead whatevers on the decor... check what you will be cutting off to get the best look :)

As for attaching, I would use blue tack (you have that in USA?) on the corners. If your tank is close to the wall, then it would be a 2 person job, one either end - slot the background in from above, then tack the corners :)

Good luck!
Tape one corner at the top, slide the backing across to the other side, tape the other top corner.
When it's in place cut the excess off with a sharp knife to get a perfect fit.
I usually tape all the way along the top to stop water dripping dwon between the glass and backing sheet then tape the corners at the bottom. This means you don't get the horrible water marks on the back glass (and if you do, undo the bottom corners and pull off the glass and re-tape).
My back ground is inside my tank :unsure:

Is this not where its meant to be?

<=== By the way just back from diving with sharks :D

what i did was just held the backround on the back of the tank....(on the outside)
and just took a razor blade and cut off any extra that was stickin out.Then i just used 4 lil pieces of clear tape and stuck it on....u cant even see the tape.
That worked for me. :D :D :D :D :D
paulioo said:
My back ground is inside my tank :unsure:

Is this not where its meant to be?

<=== By the way just back from diving with sharks :D

it's much easier to have the backround on thew outside of the tank, the glass is clear , so u can see it :D i bet it would stay on better if it was on the outside. But i dunno...different strokes for different folks. :lol: :lol: :lol: thats cool u were diving with sharks tho...was it scary????? :huh:
If you want a real good stick on the glass you can spread vaseline or vegetable oil on one side.
You stick it onto the glass and spread it out with a credit card.
Be sure to get all the air bubbles out or it looks ugly. Make sure not to get any of it into your tank though.

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