how i wish slapping strangers were legal...


New Member
Apr 6, 2004
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SF Bay Area, California
every time i leave my house i'm reminded why i like fish better than people.

i was in Dolphin Pet Village a couple days ago, buying a new tank when i ran into the rudest little man....

see, DPV takes wonderful care of all their fish -- all their animals for that matter -- except the bettas. ARGH! they're in little tiny containers, of course... but at least they're in those little in-the-tank thingies, so they're getting clean water... even tho they've got no room to move. the containers are so narrow that they can barely turn around, but that's not my point.

my point is, there was a very rude little man walking around with a 10-or-so-year-old kid who i assume was his daughter. while i was browsing the poor cramped bettas and cringing, he was explaining the different kinds of fish to her, albeit in a rather... snarky tone of voice.

so the girl sees a betta in its cramped little container and says to the man, "i think that fish is dead. it's not moving."

man snaps at the girl, "no, that's a betta. that's what they do."

before i even realized i was going to say something, the words were coming out of my mouth. i said something along the lines of "actually, that's not what they do. i keep bettas, and mine are very active. that container is way too small for that fish. it's not dead, but it's very unhappy and probably unhealthy."

the snarky man said something back to me, but quite honestly i have no idea what it was. i'd like to say i had no interest in his opinion, but frankly i think i was just too shocked that i'd just told off some random angry man to pay attention to what he said. i do, however, recall that he was quite snappy and rude with whatever he said.

as he stalked away, his kid said "i still think it's dead."

i'm not entirely sure there's a point to this post, but i'll say this: i have trouble getting the nerve to call the pizza guy. that entire fish store thing was totally uncharacteristic of me, but hey -- fish need someone to stick up for them too. :wub:
I totally agree with you. You did right telling him off as that little girl will now know that this is not natural for bettas and if she goes into fish keeping she will know not to put a betta into such a small container.
I have just paid for (to collect) a male betta from my not so local fish supplier, they only had 3 betta males in (obviously in different tank) but they keep them in tanks not in small containers. The one I have paid for was in a tank on its own, the tank will probably have been about 10g UK and it looked very happy, it's fins are in good condition and it was swimming around the tank and coming to the front to say hello to me and then swimming off again to go and peck at some plant or other which was floating at the top of its tank. It kept going and looking at it's reflection too but did NOT flare up in the slightest, I personnaly think it was just admiring itself (he is a lovely colour of red, imagine red velvet and that is the best way i can describe it's colour.)
Congratulations to you for standing up for the poor little betta and the very stroppy know all (in his own mind anyway.)
Hey, you live in the same area I do...I go to Pet Dolphin occassionally too :) Although I haven't been in ages. I like to go there for plants, they always have a nice selection, and if you get the manager you get AWESOME information if you have questions. I've bought many fish there but not recently, I have found Brian's World to have healthier fish, at least for me, fewer of the fish I've bought there have died. Do you ever go to the SVAS meetings in San Jose? I've been to the last few meetings, I like the auction at the end best, can get some steals on fish and plants!

I've bought many fish there but not recently, I have found Brian's World to have healthier fish, at least for me, fewer of the fish I've bought there have died.

hmm, odd... i've had a lot of fish from Brian's die, but not yet one from DPV. plus i brought home a betta from Brian's about a month ago, and i've been battling the fin rot he came home with ever since. :X and i've run into a few rather unhelpful/unknowledgeable employees there as well.

Do you ever go to the SVAS meetings in San Jose? I've been to the last few meetings, I like the auction at the end best, can get some steals on fish and plants!

err.. i dont even know what SVAS is. sounds nifty, though. what/who are they, and how can i go about joining/attending meetings/whatever?
How funny how 2 people can have such completely different experiences with the same fish shops, Lol...don't get me wrong, I would still buy fish at DPV, but since Brians World now gets Live BS in every week I go there. Ahhh, the SVAS is great, it's the local fish club (Silicon Valley Aquatic Society), here their links:

This is the link to their website:

and here is their yahoo group for posting messages:

I'm not sure if that Yahoo link will work or not, if not then just do a search for in the yahoo groups for Silicon Valley Aquarium Society. They meet the first Saturday of every month starting at 7:00pm (you can get their early to get a look at the stuff up for auction or order dinner) at the Round Table Pizza Parlor on Moorpark Ave. @ Saratoga. Their next meeting is this Saturday and the discussion will be on Planted tanks or something like that. After the presentation they have the auction usually with LOTS of stuff (fish, plants, equipment), fish have been known to go for $1!! You don't even have to be a member to bid in the auction, you just have to pay in cash when you win something (members can pay by check after the auction is over, they will keep track of all you win).

this is going to show my ignorance a bit...

In the years i've had fish (started when i was 12 - i'm now 25) i've never really liked betta's. and in all honesty its because of the way they look in the fish shops.

even the ones in larger tanks always seem to be really bored and almost lost the will to live. I really did think that that was just the way they were. It wasn't untill i saw how popular they are on here that my views started to change.

anyway... i hate being in shops where someone 'knows everything' and are just wrong. the amount of times I find myself waiting for the said person to stop talking, and then correct what they have said is getting silly - even my girlfriend has started to do it now too!

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