How Far Could A 5 Gallon Take Me In A Nano Reef?


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
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Vancouver WA (US)
Just got myself a 5 gallon tank. Its an Marineland Eclipse Corner 5 Aquarium Kit and planned to do a tropical tank but am wondering about a nano reef now. I dont know much at all about this but seeing as I have my tank set up and setting there with the filter+heater on and live sand sitting here, why not consider it.

The main fish I want to keep is a clown fish and having read about them, they are said to be a very hardy fish that I could probably cycle my tank with. While that does sound appealing I have no idea where else to start. Where could I obtain some coral around where I live (Vancouver WA). Also if I do find some at my local pet store how expensive would it be?

I could use any advice anyone here can give, I will get a much nicer tank by years end to if I cant use this tank I can just wait. But let me know what it would to to make a 5 gallon to work please.

You'll find that 99% of this forum are strict opponents to using fish for cycling. Apart from anything else there is no reason for it!
Especially with marine, you can buy live rock which is the most natural form of filtration available and is also the ideal vehicle for cycling a tank.

Take care when selecting some good cured rock, buying locally if you can and ensuring the trip from the lfs is quick and the live rock is kept as wet as possible. It is quite possible in these circumstances that the tank will cycle in days (mine was cycled in two days!). No risk or discomfort for fish and The tank was cycled in super quick time. Don't scrimp on the rock and it will be worth it's weight in gold.

Before you even get to this stage though it sounds like you need to do some reading and research as to what marines and more specifically nano aquariums are all about.
This forum is a goldmine of information and will be invaluable for you in your journey to create a little piece of mini ocean.

Word of caution though, 5 gallons is not big enough to house any fish except perhaps a watchman goby or other similar fish that does not require a lot of swimming room. This is even more the case if the tank is a tall one. This sized tank I think I'm right in saying is actually referred to as a Pico tank which is a small version of a nano.

An invert tank would be your best option with live rock, some snails/hermits and a shrimp maybe. I don't know the tank but have looked at a couple on google. I haven't spotted what kind of lighting it has but if it has, or you can upgrade to PC lighting (Power Compacts) then you could have a mini reef but you would also need to increase water movement with an extra powerhead.

Anyway, welcome to the salty side and if you are patient and and follow good advice I'm sure your experience will be a joyful and rewarding one.

NOOOOOOOOOO. No clowns in a 5 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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