Fish Aficionado
This is only a preliminary idea so no one freak out if there's something wildly uncompatible here. 
I don't even have the aquarium yet alone any of the rest of this stuff.
I don't even have the aquarium yet alone any of the rest of this stuff.
- Tank set-up:
Forty-Fifty gallon long tank
Live rock: Fifty-sixty pounds or 20-30 w/ Live Sand + 10 pounds for 50 gallon
Live sand: 20 pounds w/ Live Rock + 10 pounds for 50 gallon
Lighting? Not sure how much I'll need yet.
- Filtration:
Protein Skimmer
Sump? (the store I used to work at had the skimmer in the sump with the filtration which is something I may do)
Cannister Filter?
- Fish:
Black & White Percula Clown pair (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Blue Neon Goby (Gobiosoma oceanops)
Other fish as yet undecided, if any more can go.
- Inverts:
Sally Light-foot Crab (Percnon gibbesi or Graspus graspus)
Long Spine Black Sea Urchin (Diadema savignyi)
Turbo Snail (thirty-forty) (Turbo fluctuosa or another type)
Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp) or
Lysmata debelius (Fire Shrimp)
Starfish? Not sure what species I'm wanting.
- Coral & Everything else:
Not decided on any yet.