How Does My Final Stocking Sound?

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Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
48x19x26 / 103 USG / 86 impg / 380 litre

1 x Female Pterophyllum scalare (Koi Angel)
4 x Red Head Tapajos (Geophagus sp. RHT)
1 x Rotkeil Severum (Heros Sp. Rotkeil)
1 x Red Spotted Severum (Heros Efaciatus)
1 x Female Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
1 x Female Archocentrus nigrofasciatus (Convict Cichlid)
3 x Metynnis argenteus (Silver Dollars)
10 x Serpae Tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques)
1 x Ancistrus Sp. (Bristlenose Plec)
1 x Gold Nugget Plec (L081)

so far the sizes are...Angel = adult, Sevs = juvis, Nic = sub adult, rht = sun adult, convict = 1", dollars = 3", plecs = 5".

I'm open to rehoming the Con or the Nic if they become a problem
Personaly I think it sounds over stocked. I think your pick of fish sounds good but you have a bit too many. It's still only a 4 foot tank sure it's a bit wide but your foot print is not big enough for that many good size cichlids IMO. But I like the stocking.
Ok rethink... (i agree with you thinking about it)

1 x Female Pterophyllum scalare (Koi Angel)
4 x Red Head Tapajos (Geophagus sp. RHT)
2 x Severum
1 x Female Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
3 x Metynnis argenteus (Silver Dollars)
6 x Serpae Tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques)
1 x Ancistrus Sp. (Bristlenose Plec)

Im thinking Angels to occupy the top...Sevs,Dollars and Serpaes to occupy the middle....Nic and Geos for the bottom....and of course theses my Plec...that will be the only catfish tho..i hate them (other than Corys)

Angel probably around 4" as its a female smaller bodied type with the really long Altum like fins
Because its a female Nic it will only get to about 6"
Severums will get to around 8" x 2
Tapajos 5" x 4
Silver Dollars 5-6" x 3
Serpaes 2.5" x 6
Plec 5"

How does that sound? I think its borderline (bare in mind im over filtered with 2 mature externals)
I would only have one severum because once they mature they might not like each other very much. Also some can get up to 10" or more. I would not have any Silver dollars sorry you don't have the room for a proper school with all the other fish you want. .

If you hate plecos why have one. You don't need them. Your earth eaters will do a fine job of keeping the bottom clean of fallen food.

SO how about

1 x Female Pterophyllum scalare (Koi Angel)
4 x Red Head Tapajos (Geophagus sp. RHT)
1 x red spot Severum
1 x Female Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
9 x Serpae Tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques)

That would be just about perfect. Just because you have a good filter does not mean you have enough space. You know what I mean. With cichlids you have to also think about how much space do you have for their territories.

You better post for photos of this new tank for us all.
I dont mind plecs i just hate catfish in general...they freak me out...My Bristlenose is ok i have had it for years...been in so many different set ups its crazy :p

Its still the same tank...i just sold every agressive fish i had and started again cos they were all fighting so much and i didnt want a solo fish.

this is what i already this is what i want to build upon..

1 adult white koi angel (i swapped my green terror for this today)
1 adult female Nic
3 sub adult Silver Dollars (left over dithers from my aggressive tank)all around 3-4"
1 adult bristlenose plec (had it for years)
1 Rotkeil Severum (swapped for my Jack Dempsey) currently 1.5"
1 adult Red Head Tapajo (swapped for my vieja Argentea and Texas)
1 female Convict...only 1"..she has bred a few times tho so i got rid of her mate

The Dollars are really really confident..not skittish at all and i like them so i want to keep them...i just don't want to add more...they eat out of my hand daily.....constantly trying to get attention for more food...greedy as hell and stand there ground with everything.....and weirdly...don't touch my plants (and i have had them for months)

I want the Red Spot to add soem nice red colouring in there...the serpaes are not to mcuh of a big deal.

I want more Tapajos because they don't colour up when on there own.

I do know Sevs can get to 10-12" but 8" is most common...espech in 4ft tanks.... do you remember that 9" adult gold i had for years? it only grew 1" in 3 years as was fed 2 x daily! (bloodworm,flake, pellet) was housed with 3 other Severums and none were any bother ever.

I could do this...

1 x Angel
2 x Sev
2 x Tapajo
1 x nic
3 x Dollars
1 x Bristlenose

And forget the tetras

so basically just add another Sev and another Tapajo.

or... i could carry on adding then trade stuff in later....the LFS's are awesome for that round here...i get full refunds 99% of the time (aslong as its soemthign good) then just cut down stuff when i need to.

I mean...the Serpaes woudl be great for now...they only cost 70 pence each and they will busy my tank up until my Sevs get big
I used to keep Tapajo's and found them most confident and colourful in groups, I would try to keep at least 3 of them, lovely fish.

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