There seems to be a lot to it! Though I'm still keen to gain the knowledge.
I asked the planted mod about my plans. A 30L, he said 18w. I didn't mention my plants or what I'd be dosing though, but doing the watt per gallon, it comes out all good.
30L, daily dose of Neutro+ ferts, Neutro Co2 liquid.
Cardamime lyrata, Lymnophila aromatica, Moss Ball, Rotala rotundifolia, Taxiphyllum spiky, Pistia stratiotes, Java moss, and hairgrass. Forgot the proper name. 400L per hour rated filter, Tropica substrate topped with caribsea complete substrate, to keep the brown look.
The lighting choice is 18w and 24w. I will personally go for 18w because I don't want to cause lots of problems. Unless one of the plants is high light, I guess I may need 3 watts per gallon so 8 gallon to 24w.
I tried looking into kelvin thing but the explanations I found went on a bit and didn't explain much of the point.