How do you use frozen bloodworms

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David Rickard

Allways forget to ask this at the lfs but what is the best method of placing frozen bloodworm cubes in the aquarium? It may sound like a strange question to some but I've heard of ppl just dropping the frozen cube in the tank and leaving it at that. When I used to feed frozen bloodworm I thawed it out prior to placing in the tank. What is the advised way.

Any comments gratefully received :D
I asked when I got mine and they showed me. They just plopped it in without defrosting it but said that it can be defrosted in a cup of tankwater.

I have tried both menthods and the only difference I find is that the first one is quicker although it is harder to regulate how much the fish are getting.
I hold mine in an wiggle it about till it all drops....

:crazy: oooh er, not wanting tos ound like a seedy porn flick!
Either way is fine though i defrost mine first, for the smaller fish it means that some makes it to the bottom so the corys and other bottom dwellers can get some, for the bigger fish so that the arowana and pike cichlid dont eat the whole cube while its still frozen!
CFC, Arowana :eek: How big is your tank then. I thought these bad boys got huge.

Do you live in Brighton and run a well known public aquarium :D
My arowana is currently around 14" long and lives in a 200 gallon (66x30x24")tank with some other largish fish, although i am beggining to doubt that i will be able to keep it in this tank for the duration of its life. Once the arowana reaches over 24" i will either upgrade to a larger tank (8x3x3ft) or if not possible will donate it to a public aquarium.

24'' those things have the potential to grow to 40'' given the space :eek:

Your a brave person to take on one of those :cool:
I feed mine frozen blood worm too and have found the best way to feed them to the fish is t odefrost first. Only because, as CFC said, its easier to ensure all the fish get a nibble top, middle and bottom dwellers.

I have found the best way to defrost them is to get a strip of cling film, rap the cube up in it and tie it in a know so its water tight then run it under the tap until its defrosted (takes a couple of minutes, or less in warm water). Then simply cut th knot off and drop the defrosted blood worms in a few at a time.

But, if ur lazy u can just drop it in the tank frozen.
i defrost mine iv got some (never used) small coffee cubs that i had with my coffee machine (u know the type one sip its gone whats the point in that??? :blink: gimmie a mug anyday!!!!) i place the cubes (2) in add a bit of tank water let it defrost give it a stir, iv got into hand feedin my bettas so i hand feed them a few attempt it with my barbs sucsess!! then trow the rest in the two tanks.

i dont like the idea of just droppin the cube in :/
David Rickard said:

24'' those things have the potential to grow to 40'' given the space :eek:

Your a brave person to take on one of those :cool:
Mine is a australian arowana (Scleropages jardini) which only attains a maximium length of 36" in the wild and usually less in captivity (under 24" is the norm), although it is smaller than its south american cousin ( Osteoglossum bircirrhosum ) it is much more aggressive.
I thaw mine in a shotglass of tank water.

This thread was started by David Rickard. Although his avatar and information are missing due to restoration problems, I believe the thread is worthwhile and should be kept. Please overlook this defect. :D

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