How Do You Train Plecos To Handfeed?


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
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SE London
I'd love to train my 8in L001 plec to eat out of my hand. The problem is ever since I got him a large black plastic pipe to rest in, he's disappeared! Haven't seen him for weeks, except maybe the tip of his tail sticking out of pipe sometimes. As they are nocturnal, how do I get him out of the pipe and train him to handfeed? He ignores food when dropped into tank but presumably eats late at night as there is some plec poo on tank bottom
I don't think all plecos will take to hand feeding. If you have a shy one he might never get it.

I would try by putting you hand in the water right up to his face and see if he takes the food from you. Then slowly day by day move the hand with food away from him.
You need to try first a really tasty food, cucumber or as I did with mine a bit of wafer thin ham (they couldnt resist that) My large ones dont have any hiding place (cant find any tube big enough) so they are out all day and are use to me talking at them through the glass. Dont try to make them come to the surface to start with just hold the food right by their mouth. Talk to them while you are doing it, I found mine were far more relaxed if I spoke to them gently.

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