How Do You Tell The Difference Between Brochis Species?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2008
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I got a Brochis at Petland (I thought it was a bronze aeneus, until I looked at the dorsal). I tried to identify it with the corydorasworld website pics, but they all look the same. What are the differences?
fin rays, in particular the number of dorsal fin rays on each species. You can take a photo and then blow it up on the computer and try to count them that way. Also some brochis get big 2-3inches and others stay small 1-2inches.
The easiest way to tell what species they are is to ask the shop what they came in as :)
I think it has 12? dorsal rays. I'll try to take a picture, once I get a camera.
The easiest way to tell what species they are is to ask the shop what they came in as :)

Now Colin_T, I hope that smiley face at the end meant you were joking. Not many lfs have a clue what non-aeneus Corys are called. And even if they were told, can you believe the importer? Yes, there are some stores and importers that have their act together but even then, the collectors might be lying in order to jack up the price. But you already knew that, didn't you... ;)
Here is a picture with both a B. splendens and C. aeneus. The 2 bigger ones are B. splendens and the smaller one is a C. aeneus.


Hope that helps.
Thanks, but I already know it's not a C. aeneus. I just want to know which species of Brochis it is.

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