How Do You Say It?

Bagu I think I will end up getting it 2nd hand.
Well try my hardest.
But I know where your coming from as there are some real bargains.
Thanks for keeping an eye out for me buddy!
Still think you should quit uni and do a marine though!


hey mate ;)

lol, i think you put Voodoo on me, I have not met grade requirement so far to get into medicine =/ so i am really upset atm :(
ill keep scanning around and ill chat with u on msn if i find anything :p
i can dream of a marine tank :D
Oh god.
Im sorry about that.
######, I feel bad now!
Come on msn for a chat mate.

Oh god.
Im sorry about that.
######, I feel bad now!
Come on msn for a chat mate.


haha dont worry ^^ its not your fault :p dont worry :)
teaches me for spending too much time with the fishes :blush:
cant chat etm, i got to log off got a wedding to go to tomorrow -.- :/ :X
bagu :cool:
I have to wait till I get back off holiday til I can purchase one.
I asked my dad and he said he wouldnt drive that far.
If only..
I would of gave them 200 straight but no way of getting it.
Cheers though!


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