How do you pronounce


Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
Okay, everytime I say betta, people look at me weird, so I was wondering how it is suppose to be said.

I got this sound thing from It is how I say betta...please let me know if I'm wrong. :)

I'm sorry it posted so many times. Thanks to who ever fixed it!!! :thumbs:

Thanks for letting me know how you guys say it. I guess people around her just say it different.
Yes you probably do say it differently we all have different accents (note i don't have an austrlain one if anything its polish ;) )
I was on teh internet to find teh pronunciation. It was Dull American English Accent. Like teh one that the American News casters use, (And me, I'm from Wisconsin.) And she pronounced it:

B short E like in "net" D and short A like in "apple"

So, BEDA like adding a short "A" on teh end of "bed"

I pronounce it :

B long A like in "Aim" TT and a short A

So, like Baita, like adding a short "A" on teh end of "Bait"
I pronounce it how the guy does on the link I provided.

BET, like you place a bet in gambling, and then a short A, like...dunno, I guess like how in school when people have to do speeches and stuff, and they say "And uh" alot...the A is pronounced like the "uh" of that.
Calusa said:
I've only heard it "bait-uh"
That's how I've always pronounced it. I never knew there were different ways to say it.

Like mentioned, I guess it's where you're from. From the dictionary finding, I've always been wrong tho. :*)
Wow! Funny how many of us didn't even know there was more than one way to pronounce it. It's bet' tah (bed-uh) here; I've never heard anyone say baitah. :)
Most of the people in my town, well, at the LFSs, say "bait-uh". But I say "bet-uh", so they all look at me weird when I say it.

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