How Do You Prepare Cucumber?

I just cut the end off (throw it away), and then cut a new piece of (fresh), and then wedge it under something in the tank, but i heard someone say they put theirs in boiling hot water first (i think it might cause it to sink (which is good)).
I chop mine in food size pieces and toss it in.
I slice it into thin sheets and then remove the dark green outside as a precaution in case any pesticides or anything were used on it (if you buy organic, it's still possible it got some chemicals on the outside from being sold with non-organic veggies but rinsing usualy solves this problem). I then also place it in hot water to kill any bacteria - just to make sure.
for my goldies i:

cut a slice maybe 0.5 to 1 cm thick
wash it under water
peel the skin off
add a small lead weight
drop it in the tank

for my plec i leave the skin on as he eats the middle where as the goldies eat the outside
:D Thanks, i was originally thinking of making slices and dumping them in. But now i will do some boiling and skin peeling b4 i do that. Got bore of feeding them flakes only, i recon they needed more variety. B)
Mine love it! I remove the skin, chop it into tiny bite size pieces, wash it and throw it in. I only give them a small slice every now and then and they always eat it all. I f there was any left it can easily be removed with a net because it floats.

You could also try peas. Cooked and chopped.

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