How do you make "teenage"angels grow faster?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2018
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Hello everybody i am new to this forum and this is my first forum ever. I currently have a 50 gallon with a canister filter that has 800 LPH. I have 36 silvertip tetras with a flame tetra and a green fire tetra as hitchhikers, 4 kuhli loaches, 3 panda cories (used to be 6) and a high fin peppered cory (used to be 3), a juvenile royal whiptail catfish (sturisoma panamense), and a "teenage" angelfish. My angel is currently around 2.5 inches from nose to the base of it's tail. I got him that size and he still hasn't grown. I've seen pictures of angelfish growing as large as 4 inches nose to the base of their tails. How do i achieve this? I couldn't do the daily water changes neither can i do the bi-weekly ones due to my busy student schedule. I feed them flakes and granules alternating. I don't feed on mondays and the angel usually doesn't get his share so he ends up eating and sharing the northfin kelp wafers i feed my catfishes. What do I do? Thanks in advanced.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

To grow any fish you feed them 3 or more times per day with high protein foods like prawn, fish, squid, insect larvae, etc. Get the temperature up to 26C and do big water changes at least once a week, preferably more often.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

To grow any fish you feed them 3 or more times per day with high protein foods like prawn, fish, squid, insect larvae, etc. Get the temperature up to 26C and do big water changes at least once a week, preferably more often.
thanks a lot! one problem though, i live in the philippines and the coldest temperature my tank can get is 29 degrees. It doesn't even stay like that but anyway, thank you so much for being the first person to answer my very first question :)
29C is fine for angelfish and 28C is optimum for them to grow. I suggested 26C because of the other fish you have, however if the temp is 29C then there is nothing you can do about that.

Due to the warmer water, make sure you have plenty of surface turbulence/ aeration in the tank to keep the oxygen levels high. Do regular water changes and gravel cleaning to reduce the gunk in the tank. Clean the filter at least once a month too. The less gunk in the tank and filter, the more oxygen that will be available for the fish. :)
29C is fine for angelfish and 28C is optimum for them to grow. I suggested 26C because of the other fish you have, however if the temp is 29C then there is nothing you can do about that.

Due to the warmer water, make sure you have plenty of surface turbulence/ aeration in the tank to keep the oxygen levels high. Do regular water changes and gravel cleaning to reduce the gunk in the tank. Clean the filter at least once a month too. The less gunk in the tank and filter, the more oxygen that will be available for the fish. :)
thank you so much! :) i kind of screwed up a little since i was just doing a water change as you recommended (i started doing 30% weekly just now) then i poured the water from the bucket too fast! my water became milky but no big deal. Thank you so much for all the tips and answers you gave me. :)

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