How do you know?


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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Ok, so my 29 Gallon with Eclipse 3 hood (biowheel) has been running since Sunday morning now, with 6 platies/variatus and 3 tetras swimming and eating happily.

Testing every day since Tuesday, ammo and nitrite never above zero.

Since I brought plants, decorations, pebbles fish and 6 gallons of cycled water all to this tank, and have had the cycled biowheel resting in the intake of the filter for the entire time, am I safely there?

When should I think of adding clowns and gouramis? Tetras?
hi ostro - I'll probs get shot speaking in here :rolleyes:
you didnt mention nitrAtes. I cycled my tank with water from my hex and 5 pristella tetras (3 weeks) all went well till the nitrAtes went through the roof - settled down now.

My personal thought (rarely stuck too) is that when you think its all ready - wait another week. From what I've learnt you should add your fish slowly as until the bacteria builds up adding too many (or too big) fish too quickly will overload the system.

Oh, and funnily, tetras should be one of the last fish you add!
Thanks, yah I know tetras come last.

I bought a "Freshwater Master Test Kit" -- no test for nitrates. Some seem to think nitrates not a harm. Many say they never test for them. I do have a planted tank. I believe Rose says that will affect nitrate readings?

Anyway, haven't tested and don't have a test. General impression I've gotten is ammo and nitrite are the bad ones.

yes nitrAtes are the last and least harmfull - tho can still kill your fish. When your tank is mature they should be no problem, but i'd advise testing occaisionally - espec at the onset.

funnily enough, i just tested my hex, 50ppm. Thats been the same since the tank matured. (3mths since the last test)

and yes, plants eat/take nitrate. If Rose sees this she will probs suggest some good plants for nitrate consumption, some like it more than others.
it's not that some like it more than others. some use more than others. nitrates are what feeds plants. faster growing require more nitrates than slower growing ones.

The plants use the nitrogen from nitrates to make protein bonds, as they grow they have more protein inside and so therefore, obviously as semper says the faster the plant grows the more nitrate it uses.
well, I understood what I said ;) same difference lol
Yeah so did I just scientific explaination :lol: :lol: B)
but methinks i don't need to worry too much about the nitrates since i have live plants in there. that's why i'm not testing

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