How Do You Feed A Snail?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2010
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United States
Ok, I have found a store that sells Zebra Snails (Nerite). These are the ones I am looking to get, since I am seeing so much confusion over which Apple Snails do and do not eat plants. My question is, after they have munched up all your algae, How do you feed them? I know what you feed them but how? I have fish in the tank, And I know any sort of Algae Wafer, and most other food will be eaten in minutes by them, leaving little if any for the snails. So any help on this would be appreciated. :) There is two tanks I am thinking of putting them in. One contains Guppies, Zebra Danios, and Panda Cories. The 2nd contains Cardinal Tetras, Guppies, and Julii Cories (though I think they might be false Juliis.) So, any ideas how to do this?
Just drop an algae wafer in, simple as. They arent fussy.
I honestly wouldnt worry about it getting its fair share, trust me - it'll be fine. You don't really feed them as you would your fish, they feed themselves and find bits to eat, you don't have to try with them :)

If your really worried you could stick a bit of cucumber in your tank after lights out. Weight it down so it sinks, they'll find it whilst everything else sleeps.

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