How do you eat...


Moderate Pleco Tolerator
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Apr 2, 2021
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...a cream slice??

For those that don't know...


One of my favourite treats but how on earth is one supposed to eat it without the cream spilling out all over the place and making a huge mess?? I usually just pick it up and go for it but I hate to waste a crumb 😏 so how would you eat it?
I mean you could just turn into an animal and stuff the thing into your mouth but then you cant enjoy it 😂

Why not use a fork or something. Do the cut and scoop maneuver with it so you can get all the cream with the slice you take...
When I was allowed to eat them I carefully pulled the top and bottom apart trying to leave equal amounts of cream on both pieces. Then I ate the bottom piece (pastry, jam and half the cream) first, and the piece with pastry, icing and half the cream last.

I ate vanilla slices the same way.

But I've been on a Type 2 diabetes diet since 2000, that's 23 years with no cream slices, or vanilla slices, or cakes, or chocolate..............

On the plus side, 23 years on and I'm still diet controlled, no medication.
When I was allowed to eat them I carefully pulled the top and bottom apart trying to leave equal amounts of cream on both pieces. Then I ate the bottom piece (pastry, jam and half the cream) first, and the piece with pastry, icing and half the cream last.
So you eat these like how I eat oreos? 😅
I mean you could just turn into an animal and stuff the thing into your mouth but then you cant enjoy it 😂

Why not use a fork or something. Do the cut and scoop maneuver with it so you can get all the cream with the slice you take...
One can't just cut it! All the cream spills out the middle! And cream is no good on a plate, it needs to be in my mouth! 🤤
You have both my great respect and my deepest sympathy. :)

I was gutted when first diagnosed and was told I had cut refined sugar and fat from my diet. I was told I was allowed, nay encouraged, to eat fruit so that's what I eat instead and nowadays if I have a nibble of some new cake or chocolate my husband has bought, all I can taste is sweetness, it masks out all flavour.
The strawberries we bought yesterday in Lidl are to die for, and I had to wash my hands and face after eating the jazz apple at lunchtime it was so juicy. Not to mention wiping down the tablet I was reading while eating the apple. It'll be banana, strawberries and cherries for dessert tonight :)

Then just put the whole thing in your mouth 🤣
I'm not sure CaptanBarnicles could fit one in her mouth, she's far too ladylike to have a mouth big enough ;)

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