How do you dispose of your dead fish???
Taken from here: Euthanasia of fish, A simple guide for the newbie.Safe Method of Disposal of the Carcass
You should now exercise some responsibility in the disposal of your fish. Do not throw it in the lavatory as the carcass may contaminate other fish in the waterways. Do not feed the carcass to your other fish or animals, it could spread disease. Remember the reason why you had to destroy it in the first place.
The safest way is to wrap the carcass up in newspaper, place it in a polythene bag, securely seal it and dispose of it in the rubbish.
If you have a real fire, this is another effective method of disposal. Cremation
Stop throwing them down the loo please. Everything ends up back in our houses once it's recycled.
Sticking them in a compost heap is a good idea... I wouldn't want to put one under my bushes because it may encouage rats, mice & foxes.
The most hygenic way to get rid of deads is to bag them and bin them. Not the most pleasent way I know but thats how any deads from my house dissapear.
in the case your fish is infected with a parasite that can survive the water treatment it gets before it is returned to the river and can survive the local weather, there is a chance it contracts to other creatures