How do water changes for Ponds work?

Dang ! That's a really nice pond. Should be super simple to take care of. Maintain the filter and change out two five gallon buckets of water every so often. Outside pond plants and just the thing being outside help a lot. That waterfall and the aeration it will give will be great. What a nice setup. Others may disagree but I think your pond won't need too awful much mantenance. Indoor aquarums and outdoor ponds , while similar , are two totally different animals.
The pond looks really good :)

I wouldn't put koi in the pond because they grow too big for it. Get yourself come common or comet goldfish and they will do better than koi.

Do not add turtles or Gambusia. Turtles eat fish. Gambusia are a pita.

If you have small peaceful fish then frogs will come and hang out in the pond. Bigger goldfish and koi will stop frogs from hanging around.
f you have small peaceful fish then frogs will come and hang out in the pond. Bigger goldfish and koi will stop frogs from hanging around.
You won’t get frogs, but you WILL get big fat toads
You won’t get frogs, but you WILL get big fat toads

As long as a bullfrog doesn’t swim up my plumbing and sit quietly in my toilet bowl as I pee only for me to go flush and see two black eyes staring back at me from under the seat rim and make me scream again then everything will be fine. I don’t miss living in florida.

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