How Do U Breed Bettas

lots of patience, knowledge and money. If you have basicly around $250 to spend on equipent etc including the fish and you can wait for them to do their business. You can breed. I've been researching a good year year and a half and ivonly managed to get one spawn to work for me :) and thats out of 15 attempts. Dont even THINK about trying it yet :)

...And anyone who has a tank stocked as indicated would have ahard time convincing anyone they could care even for breeding guppies...
Do a lot of research. A good place to start is the stickies on here. Then do a lot more of research, and then start to think about it.
lots of patience, knowledge and money. If you have basicly around $250 to spend on equipent etc including the fish and you can wait for them to do their business. You can breed. I've been researching a good year year and a half and ivonly managed to get one spawn to work for me :) and thats out of 15 attempts. Dont even THINK about trying it yet :)

I think that generally is over the top you can keep costs low by using small plastic storage tubs and the fry food isnt expensive either if you buy a culture for say £1-2 thats all the culture you will need to keep the chain going.The main priority is time and patience breeding i dont find hard at all if you just keep conditioning and get the conditions just right you will succeed without failure :)
Perhaps willtang, but would you really say it's a good idea to let the OP who keeps fish as such in a 25g should be let anywhere near a decent pair and potentially hundreds of betta fry?
hey now, the guy has three posts entirely, and all in bettas. Ever think nobody told him that the way the tank is stocked is wrong, or why? I'll bet not. So why not try to be a tad bit more helpful instead of antagonistic and tell him why it's bad if you know so much about those fish. I know those tetras should be in shoals, and sharks get big, but i don't know anything about those other fish.
well, no one has answered his/her question, nor has anyone pointed him in the right direction.

Heres a link on how to CARE FOR YOU BETTAS. Once you get that down, then it would be easier to breed.

Heres a link on how to breed you bettas

If you are succesfull, heres a link on how to raise fry.

Now dont be afraid to post back, someone will answer your questions just be detailed when asking.

AND to everyone else, you are kinda scaring off people with your "go findout yourself and comeback when your smarter" attitude. I think the betta"communtiy" honestly needs as many poeple s it can get. Why not be more encouraging? And if his tank is overstcoked, thats not his fault, think of how many times you lfs told u you betta is fine with tetras/neons in a 55 gallon tank, before you came here?

just my 2 cents...
I agree with bucky atleast point the guy in the right direction. You can't tell him what he can and cannot do. Also I have been spawning bettas and the most I've spent is maybe 80-100$.
If you want to be sucessful in spawning check out the pinned topics on breeding bettas and the links provided if you need any help just send me a pm and I will answer any questions you have.
I dont breed and I have spent upwards of 500 on my bettas thats in the past month alone.
but maybe my fish are spoiled lol

I have discouvered that one of those misters works well to get the male to build a nest lol I think the lights that changes colors calm him or something LF said it could be the fog/ mist onthe top of the tank too
making the fish think its the rainy season or something lok I dont know

MISTER>> electronic device you put in water and it makes a mist or fog lights on the mister change colors making the mist appear to have a color as well
it can be cheap, but ive spent about 1000$ already, thats for 40 fish, almost 400 gallons in tanks, filters,lights, pumps i have alot of tanks lol.
Well lol I wasn't referring to all my fish I've spent money on just on the spawn pair and what I paid for cultures extra tanks etc. I have yet to have a big spawn tho.
here have the male in its own tank. then have a female thats alredy full of eegs and put her in a plastic cup and float her in the males tank. when the feamale is desprite to breed she will acctully jump out of the cup in the tank. then mateing will begin imeditley. when its over take the female out.

but just a thought... what are you gonna do with all the babies??
Well for one you don't wait for the female to jump out of the cup.....Usually when she is barred up vertical stripes, or is tilting her head down(submitting) to the male you release her from the cup. For the babies depends on if your lfs wil take them or not. If they are good quality fish you can try selling them online on aquabid or something other than giving them to friends that's about it.

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