Welcome to modern times, @Colin_T you now have a phone. Did you know you could load an app so you can check your emails on your phone? A phone is a computer in the palm of your hand. How much did 4gb of data cost you?
Welcome to modern times, @Colin_T you now have a phone. Did you know you could load an app so you can check your emails on your phone? A phone is a computer in the palm of your hand. How much did 4gb of data cost you?
Nope and I have no idea how to do that.

4Gb of data on the usb internet dongle thingy cost $40. It's a freakin ripoff.
So I'm gonna bite because the usb internet dongle thingy doesn't let me check my emails. How do I use a phone for emails and do I need a different email account for it, because I just told my old internet company to take a long jump off a short bridge?
So I'm gonna bite because the usb internet dongle thingy doesn't let me check my emails. How do I use a phone for emails and do I need a different email account for it, because I just told my old internet company to take a long jump off a short bridge?
Hello @Colin_T - I’ve just had a little Google, I think you need to touch the home key and then there should be a little picture (on my phone it’s a little envelope with an ‘O’ for Outlook) I think your image might be a square of four little squares..? If so touch that to open it and then you’ll have to set up your email account with your email address/password etc. (Hope that works 🤞)
Open the link and in huge print are all the pages of the user downloading required to read it....

It covers your phone and everything that you will ever need to use it Colin...

Open the link and in huge print are all the pages of the user downloading required to read it....

It covers your phone and everything that you will ever need to use it Colin...

I’ve looked through that and can’t find mention of emails..?
So I'm gonna bite because the usb internet dongle thingy doesn't let me check my emails. How do I use a phone for emails and do I need a different email account for it, because I just told my old internet company to take a long jump off a short bridge?
What you are doing is commonly called burning bridges. Those who you have told to jump maybe lighting fires before they leap. :rofl:
hi: i have a tip: so you know google drive
it gives you 15gb for free, then you have to buy it
but who wants to buy from google especially when we're all broke from fish stuff!?!?!?
just simply create a new account when you're done with all the storage
more data FOR FREE
nope, and I didn't understand any of what was written above.
Oh no 😢 … I’m a “monkey see - monkey do” IT/phone user… I could send a couple of grandchildren across for a few weeks..? Peace and quiet here - phone tuition over there…🤔 win win situation 😂
I am such a pathetic user of cell phones yet I am on my 3rd Iphone and still don't understand how to work everything. I was so proud of myself when I figured out the volume button on the side of the phone (it also told me I could turn that feature off, of course it doesn't tell you how you then turn the volume up or down, but I my phones have either screamed at me or were set so lo I couldn't head anything. Men can always use "vibrate" because their cell phone is in their pants and that vibrate motion always gets their attention, but they rarely put pockets in womens slacks these days so we just throw the little phone in our purse and vibrate isn't that strong. But on the Iphone 8Plus the top button is the volume up button and 2nd button in the volume down button, I always thought just the top button did volume up and down because EACH BUTTON TOGGLES UP AND DOWN but that would make too much sense. My other issue was when you change the volume and it's showing more grey does that mean it's getting quiet or louder? I also found out that you must push the volume up if you want to hear the person talking louder. It takes too long for my tiny brain to figure out which button is louder but I DO know how to put it on speaker phone - that works much better. Somewhere along the way I had an LG phone (that's what my late husband used) and it was only marginally better and it didn't have SIRI. SIRI has called 911 for me a couple of times. Then one night our electricity went out, that means my oxygen concentrator turns off as well and I need to (very quickly) get to my fish room which happens to store all my canisters of air - but I couldn't find it in the dark (your braid doesn't work very well when it knows death will likely come in a little bit) I couldn't find the spot in every room where I keep a small flash light - for this very reason. Finally - i stopped and thought "duh" and said "Siri please turn on the flashlight" because the damn phone has a flashlight in it. I confidently got to my oxygen tank and got everything running and the electricity came back on. I promised Siri that because she saved my life I would never as her to "open the pod bay doors" again (for you 2001 fans) - she actually said to me "Thank You PorkChop". When I was a SKINNY little girl my evil father called me Pork Chop. Luckily my cousins didn't make fun of me because I was tough for being so small. My cousin Craig was 1 yr younger and my Dad appropriately would say to him "come here you sack of potatos" - So I told Siri about it and ask her to call me PorkChop once in a while (in memory of my dear father). I worked and worked with her and she'd only do it if I asked her too. NOW she does it off and on all the time so the folks at apple must have finally figured it out. In fact any time I set the alarm to 7 am - the alarm rings and she says "Good Morning Pork Chop" I looked at all my alarms and sure enough, below the 7 am alarm setting it says " Good Morning Pork Chop". I know my daughter didn't put it there because I NEVER get up at 7 am, she would have been smart and set it under 10 am or noon. I don't have any siblings but I do have a lot of 1st and 2nd cousins and they are probably all better than I am with Iphones. It's actually a drag to be an only child especially when both your parents are dead and you only have 1 child. She always did quite well during Christmas and Birthdays but now that she's had a child,, my daughter is second on my list.

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