How Do I Use Ebay And Paypal?


Fish Addict
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, Rhode Island
Hi I need to know how to use ebay and paypal. Okay so I already bid on an iteam that I want and the bidding ends in 15 min. I am currently the highest bidder. I bid $20.00 on an iteam that was original $19.99. I also registered with paypal for free. I hav a couple questions:

Where do I send the money to if if I'm the winning bidder?
Where do I send/bring the shipping money to?
What do I have to do if I'm the winning bidder?

I would really appreciate if someone can answer my questions as quickly as possible because the bidding ends in less then 15 minutes.Thanks

Bidding ends in 5 minutes!
dont panic too much - most auctions give you 7 days to sort out payment etc - and a quick email to the seller explaining your new will let them know to be gentle!

normally when the auction ends, and you win, there will be a "pay now" option when you look at the acution again.

Click this and it will then take you to your paypal login. enter your details and then follow the prompts.

They system will automatically put the person to pay in for you, you just need to check the details and confirm your address.

Its all quite easy once you've done it a couplr of times.

One thing though - with 5 mins left to run its quite likely that someone will 'snipe' you. this is where someone bids right at the end of the auction giving you no time to re-bid to beat them. :(
It happens all to often now.




u click there and it will tell u payment methed

paypal is great

it comes out of ur bank if u set it up that way
shipping will be to the address that on the paypal ACCOUNT NORMALLY
Thanks guys for all the help. well I won the item becasue I bid right at the last second! I hit pay now and followed all of the instructions. It asked for my credit card number and everything. I kind of figured out that the money for shipping comes right out of the bank becasue of when paypal asked for my credit card number. IU don't have paypal set up any specific way I just typed in everything that they asked for. Is there anything else that I should know?
Hi i just got an e-mail that is from me? And the subject is please send me total ammount from ebay item. The e-mail says my shipping info and stuff about me. Did I accidently send this e-mail to myself? Is there something that I forgot to do?
it might be easier if you set paypal to tak moey directly ou of you bank :good: you click pay now then confirm and your done, you can set paypal up like this in you paypal settings page @
did i do the right thing because wheni went to my ebay it showed the icon that says i paid for the item but i need to know if the seller knows my shipping info.
Thank you very much. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't send eveerything to myself! So now what happens? Does the seller just ship the item or is there more things that I have to do? I haven't heard from the seller since I won the bidding. Also about shipping I know I've had a lot of stuff shipped and it's usually pretty late. This item says that it will ship in 1 to 2 weeks. Have they already started to ship it? Is ebay usually good with shipping because we need this item for a party that's coming up in about 4 weeks. Thanks again
should send it out when they said they will send a message to the seller asking when the item will be shipped and when it is likely to arrive. explain you situation they might send it out earlier
How long does it take to have ebay send the message to the seller? I won the bid for a disco ball for a paryy that were having and the party is on DEcember 27th. I just wanted to make sure that the disco ball would arrive on time. Thanks

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