How Do I Start An Ant Farm


Dec 19, 2005
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i know any1 on here gets ants from the garden & feed the fish them
but you do not really know where they come from or what they have on them
so i would like to start an ant farm in a 2.5 gallon tank
how do i do this
i think the fish need some live food :lol:
I am not 100% sure, but from my understanding ants are not supposed to be fed.
no there not but the larvea are as far as im aware
well you'd need a queen ant and from my understanding in the US at least u cant get a queen ant from anystore and u cant order them cause its illegal :[
can i just go in the garden in the ants nest out there & get her or would she attack me & dead
theres a way, (ive got this from memory so if i forget anyhing sorry)

dig the nest up put it on a piece of plastic with a lide over half of it (shade) and the ants will more the eggs and larvea under the shade and then the next day lift it up and colect them, and you can in the prosess look for your queen
Hi sam,
Ive only just found this site :
Ive not read all of it yet but there may be something of interest for you there.

Ants 'eggs' are good food for fish, but I still have not found a good method of parting the eggs from the ants :X

Buy ant eggs especially for aquarium use


so like why cant you jsut feed ants to your fish, i mena will it harm them? as long as its like goldfihs or soemthing right? im sure they can be eaten cause im sure ants fall in the pond and fish eat them, i think that would be awesome to keep them!! *planning ant excavation*
i bought that from my per store, i occsionaly fed my goldfishes with it back then, they ate it happily, i didnt like touching it as there were many dead ants in there as well as the eggs!

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