Fish Gatherer
what do you do to the flowerpot to make it fish-safe? is it plastic or clay?
Why paint it? Just stick some rocks and plastic plants on it. That will cover the orange part of the pot.[jdm dc2] said:i would like to also make a cave for my tank.. im thinking of plant pot also.. how do i go about cleaning them before i stick them into the water?.. do they give off any sort of color?.. also how do i go about painting it black... i dont want it to be orange.. is their speical spray i can buy to color it?..
Yenko said:Clay ones are unsafe unless they have been in use for a couple years, with no fertilizers added to them. Plastic ones are fine. The grotto backdrop is amazing. As far as caves go, mine are all made out of stacked rocks and driftwood (from lakes not ocean). Alot of fish seem to like broad-leaved plants like cryptocrynes to hide under.