How do I know if I’m getting enough oxygen in my tank?


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2020
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All of my tanks have pretty low flow filters, and none of them have air stones because I was worried about there being too much movement for my bettas (I have bettas only). I’ve noticed that a couple of my bettas do go up to the surface for a quick second and then release a bubble on their way down. Have they been struggling this whole time and I though it was just something they did?... I change water about once a week now since all my tanks are cycled. Can I get some suggestions?
All of my tanks have pretty low flow filters, and none of them have air stones because I was worried about there being too much movement for my bettas (I have bettas only). I’ve noticed that a couple of my bettas do go up to the surface for a quick second and then release a bubble on their way down. Have they been struggling this whole time and I though it was just something they did?... I change water about once a week now since all my tanks are cycled. Can I get some suggestions?

This is normal anabantid behaviour, they will take in a gulp of air and extract oxygen via the internal labyrinth organ. This allows them to live in oxygen-poor water, little more than moist mud for part of the year.

If you have live plants, there is no real need for any filter with a Betta. Though a simple sponge filter can't hurt.
This is normal anabantid behaviour, they will take in a gulp of air and extract oxygen via the internal labyrinth organ. This allows them to live in oxygen-poor water, little more than moist mud for part of the year.

If you have live plants, there is no real need for any filter with a Betta. Though a simple sponge filter can't hurt.
Okay that’s good to know, thank you. I have HOB filters for all right now set at low flow, but yes I also have plants. Thank you!
I think it's a good idea to have a low flow filter for a betta tank; live plants are great too. I've found that if a tank has low oxygen, the fish will hang out exclusively near the surface and will look distressed. That happened with my CPD tank and I added an air stone and their behavior changed immediately for the better. With bettas I don't think you need to worry as much about low oxygen as they can extract oxygen from the air.
@Byron said it perfectly...

Betta fish don’t “need” filters, but I find tanks work out better when they have one. Filters keep the water clear, which is not only good for the fish, but appealing to look at.

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