How do I influence, change and stabilize RO water

My tap water is so hard that I just gave on the tests after reaching over 50 dgh.

Are you sure it's 50 when your country (Bina Medika Lab) water analysis only showed 9.37?
Can you call them to check?

For a start, just read about GH and how to change them. There are many products in the markets for you to increase your GH if you use RO water.
All the best.
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What do you mean by buffer? What kind of buffer?
I use RO water and in any tank PH is going to fluctuate depending on dissolved solids which is normal and not harmful to fish or plants unless its a huge drop or raise. The most efficient way to maintain GH which regulates PH and avoid those large PH swings is by performing weekly large water changes.
Water changes are the buffer in my opinion
A buffer to keep the PH from fluctuating too excessively. I do about 25% water changes on a weekly base now.
They actually died from the temp being too high or the sudden change in temp?
I can't say for sure but it was not a sudden change. The temp in the tank gradually increased over a few weeks to around 33 in that tank and stayed at that temp for around 3 weeks. At the water change I found 2 dead ones floating. The other tanks were slightly cooler and the otos were out much more in the day. It also was not oxygenation because the tank they were in has much higher surface disturbance than the others.
When fish are in water that is too warm their metabolism increases and they live shorter lives. Usually this is not a problem for short periods (like a heatwave) but for extended periods they will have a much shorter life.

I am assuming this was the cause because all the other fish are fine and water parameters don't show any reason.
I can't say for sure but it was not a sudden change. The temp in the tank gradually increased over a few weeks to around 33 in that tank and stayed at that temp for around 3 weeks. At the water change I found 2 dead ones floating. The other tanks were slightly cooler and the otos were out much more in the day. It also was not oxygenation because the tank they were in has much higher surface disturbance than the others.
When fish are in water that is too warm their metabolism increases and they live shorter lives. Usually this is not a problem for short periods (like a heatwave) but for extended periods they will have a much shorter life.

I am assuming this was the cause because all the other fish are fine and water parameters don't show any reason.
Ooh that's a shame though, I love Oto's! Finally getting the rest of my schoal on Wednesday. Perfectly timed as well, going to a safari and marine park on Tuesday with the kids. So I know they'll be begging for any kind of new fish.

So the fish in friends tank are in immediate danger but rather will live only half the lice they could have had? Still, might surprise him with a few fans.

Which fish do you have in the tanks where the oto are in?
Which fish do you have in the tanks where the oto are in?
Believe it or not I have otos in all my tanks. Its the only species I have duplicated (except MTS which are in 3 of the tanks)
Community 48G: Cardinal tetras, pepper cories, sterbai cories, Bristlenose, pencilfish (nanostomus marginatus) + 8 otos
20G: Dwarf chain loach, neon green rasbora (microvevario kubotai). Had 6, not sure how many (if any) survived.
15G Nano: CPD + RCS + 6 otos
Bigger nano (22G long with nano fish :)): Ember tetras, chili rasbora, sparkling gourami, pygmy cories + 6 otos. No MTS in this one.

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