bunjiweb said:
Why on earth would you want to grow algae? If you havent got algae thats a GOOD thing, whats the point in introducing this nuissance plant into your tank's ecosystem.
whats wrong with algea then eh? Some of us go to great trouble to actually grow algea as an attractive feature of the tank.
Personally i find a large piece of bogwood with a nice thick carpet of green algea to be very natural looking and a great addition to any unplanted tank, though i can fully understand why those with underwater gardens wouldnt want it.
To get some good algea growth going place your bogwood in a large bucket of tankwater and leave it in the garden where it will recieve full sunlight fr the longest ammount of time possible, change some of the water daily with water from your tank to keep the nitrate levels high. Once the algea starts growing you can bring the wood back inside and put it back into your tank where it should continue to grow, providing your fish dont eat it all straight away.