How do i grow algae


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Nov 15, 2004
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I want to get some algae going in my 55. How do i get algae in it? I need something for my pleco because he doesnt eat ybogwood, or veggies, or catfish pellets. I am gonna try to get to the LFs ton ight to ask what the species name is. I just wanna get some algae because he is doing a decent job in my 10. The 10 is much more mature and has green algae growing in it.
Turn lights on. Leave alone. That and sunlight, especially direct sunlight are the easiest way to get algae growth. Adding algae tablets will also help promote growth though you don't want to leave them in long enough to rot.
well i positioned my tank too well and now it only gets the tiniest bit of light in the afternoon. I have brown agae and a little green but i dont think that will be enough. I have been running th elights a lot longer but wont leaving them on all night stress out the fish?
If they're on for too long and depending on the fish. I think 10-12 hours of high light will do it. Leaving the lights on is the best way to do it. Or you can try and grow some in another jar or vase in the window then scrape it into the tank later when you've gotten enough grown.
Why on earth would you want to grow algae? If you havent got algae thats a GOOD thing, whats the point in introducing this nuissance plant into your tank's ecosystem.

I hear if you have like a spre 5g or something and place it in front of a window and fill it with large chunks of lava rock algea will grow in the rock and then move the rocks into your 55g :thumbs: The algea roots itself inside the rocks and then the pleco will just eat the stuff on the outside and not wipe the algae "colony" out
bunjiweb said:
Why on earth would you want to grow algae? If you havent got algae thats a GOOD thing, whats the point in introducing this nuissance plant into your tank's ecosystem.

becuase that is the only thing my pleco has eaten and right now I dont think it is getting enough to eat.

MWm i like yur idea. I think i will try that
I think my fish like algae :lol: I've never thought of it as a nuisance for that reason :D

Good luck growing algae, MWM's idea is great :thumbs:
Fishy411 said:
becuase that is the only thing my pleco has eaten and right now I dont think it is getting enough to eat.
First, most plecos are not true algae eaters(most prefer meat!) and also most are nocturnal so you wont see them eating during the day. I feed my plecos right after i turn off the lights so the other fish wont eat it. I also leave zuchinni for my bigger pleco and by morning he's eaten over 80%. If I attach it during the day, hardly any has been eaten.
snowyangel said:
Fishy411 said:
becuase that is the only thing my pleco has eaten and right now I dont think it is getting enough to eat.
First, most plecos are not true algae eaters(most prefer meat!) and also most are nocturnal so you wont see them eating during the day. I feed my plecos right after i turn off the lights so the other fish wont eat it. I also leave zuchinni for my bigger pleco and by morning he's eaten over 80%. If I attach it during the day, hardly any has been eaten.
ok i cant find what kind it is because my picture software is crap and wont let me upload. Therefore i cnat Tell what it will eat unless i can find out what kind it is. There is less algae then when i added him. I am getting cucumber tonight and will try that but so far he hasnt eaten anything and i know because his belly doesnt look fat.
bunjiweb said:
Why on earth would you want to grow algae? If you havent got algae thats a GOOD thing, whats the point in introducing this nuissance plant into your tank's ecosystem.

:lol: whats wrong with algea then eh? Some of us go to great trouble to actually grow algea as an attractive feature of the tank.
Personally i find a large piece of bogwood with a nice thick carpet of green algea to be very natural looking and a great addition to any unplanted tank, though i can fully understand why those with underwater gardens wouldnt want it.

To get some good algea growth going place your bogwood in a large bucket of tankwater and leave it in the garden where it will recieve full sunlight fr the longest ammount of time possible, change some of the water daily with water from your tank to keep the nitrate levels high. Once the algea starts growing you can bring the wood back inside and put it back into your tank where it should continue to grow, providing your fish dont eat it all straight away.
i have a whiptail catfish and a twigfish catfish...both really good algae eaters, so i too know how hard it is to feed these guys. i finally got them trained to eat algae wafers. i break a bunch of these apart and they find them. when i put my twigfish catfish in my 55 gallon he had that dirty thing cleaned spotless in a few days! and grew and inch i think :D it really depends on what species youve got, since my whiptail prefers crumble, daphnia ect.. and the twigfish one only eats algae and algae wafers
good luck.

a desciption would help :)
CFC said:
bunjiweb said:
Why on earth would you want to grow algae?  If you havent got algae thats a GOOD thing, whats the point in introducing this nuissance plant into your tank's ecosystem.

:lol: whats wrong with algea then eh? Some of us go to great trouble to actually grow algea as an attractive feature of the tank.
Personally i find a large piece of bogwood with a nice thick carpet of green algea to be very natural looking and a great addition to any unplanted tank, though i can fully understand why those with underwater gardens wouldnt want it.

To get some good algea growth going place your bogwood in a large bucket of tankwater and leave it in the garden where it will recieve full sunlight fr the longest ammount of time possible, change some of the water daily with water from your tank to keep the nitrate levels high. Once the algea starts growing you can bring the wood back inside and put it back into your tank where it should continue to grow, providing your fish dont eat it all straight away.
i guess it can wait then. Its like 25 degrees here. Anyhting outside in a bucket of water is frozen solid. I can put it BY a Sliding glass door though.

Desription - I'll try but its hard.

He is an Olive green/ maybe a dark brown with lighter splotches around on his body. He also has some white lines that make circles towards his tail. He has Green patterns on his face which look random.
hes back in the 55. Today i noticed these nubs on his face right below his eyes. He seems to like the bogwood. Are there any species that actually Eat bogwood?

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