How Do I Clean Them Out (red Bellied Piranhas)


New Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all

i have been planing on buying some Red Bellied Piranhas but i dont no how to clean them out with out them biting you.

dose any on know? -_-
according to AMS (piranha expert) the red bellys would run away from your arm, as long as you aren't bleeding, so, they aren't going to kill you lol

haha, that would be a funny story to read in the newspaper... "Man's attacked and pulled into tank by ravinous piranha's....all when trying to just vacuum their poop...." hahaha
I agree with demonmagus, they will more than likely hide away just like any other fish would, just make sure you arent bleeding :p
I agree with demonmagus, they will more than likely hide away just like any other fish would, just make sure you arent bleeding :p

This is definately true, a friend of mine used to have 3 Red Bellied Piranhas and they wouldn't come close to you if you had your tank. I think our Cardinal Tetras are les scared than his Piranhas were :p
My ex boyfriend had humm i forget how many.. maybe 5.. full grown.. and he never seemed 2 worry about it.. they only seem to attack when they are in full confidence, they didnt even seem to attack the goldfish he would put it if we were 2 stay around the tank.. maybe they where just wweird.
My Gourami will touch my arm with his feelers and nibble at my fingers the entire time my hand is in the tank. :hey:
most likey they will hide when u stick ur hand in the tank and as for netting them well lets say u are gona go through quite a bit of nets with these fish unless ur net is stronger than there teeth lol buy a python vacuum works great for me :good:

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