How Do I Bread Siamese Fighter..


New Member
Jun 1, 2013
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Hi guys can some 1 please help me I really want to breed Siamese fighters but not to sure how to & hear they fight & kill each other... But I really want to breed them... & how do u tell if its male or female please help..
Hi abeck all I know is that they are bubble nest builders and the ratio of male to female should be 1-3 when breeding
josh63762 said:
....the ratio of male to female should be 1-3 when breeding
That's livebearers not bettas.
Roughly speaking - you have to condition the male and female separately. Then when you think they are ready, put the female in a container inside the male's tank so they can see each other but can't get at each other. When the male builds a bubble nest and the female develops vertical breeding stripes, let the female into the tank but watch carefully in case one of them attacks the other. After they've spawned, the female is removed and when the fry become free swimming the male is removed. You will also need enough jars to separate the male fry when they start fighting. And homes for all the fry when they grow up.
That is a rough outline, there is a lot more to it which you should research before attempting to breed bettas.
Thanx essjay.. I'll do that.. I hαve lots of tanks & will be able to seperate them when they start fighting... Is it just the males that fight or is it the females aswell... Do they all need to be seperated?
Breeding bettas take a LOT of work, and honestly, if you are looking to make money, look somewhere else. DO NOT breed petco or petsmart bettas, or any other fish store betta. Don't breed VTs. You are looking at a pretty expensive thing to take up. You need to go to Aquabid and start looking there.
Really, if I were you, I'd start with something else. Cichlids maybe. Not trying to be rude, but it doesn't sound like you know enough to be breeding just yet :) Hope I don't come off as mean, but a lot of people think they can just breed bettas, and then they produce deformed fry and mixed tail types that no one will take.
bettas very difficult to breed succesfully  and very easy to breed to wrong i will be uploading some pics and stuff soon and a betta breeding guide but for now fishaholics advice spot on 
I really want to breed bettas too but it's so much work. Pleas just consider buying baby betta if you're looking for raising bettas. It's so much easier but do what you please. Good luck! :)
Breeding bettas is very time-consuming. You let the male view the female for a few weeks, she'll get eggy, and hopefully he'll make a bubble nest in his tank. Then when she's ready, you move the female in. They mate, the female sinks to the bottom of the tank and appears to be dead - remove her when she recovers as the male will try to kill her, and she'll eat the babies. The male will now pick the babies up off the tank bottom, and put them in the nest. You then leave the male with the nest for a short time (Cant remember exact time length, think it was longer than a week though)
Then, you remove the male, and let the fry grow - feeding them appropriate food. You move the fry when they are old enough to a grow out tank, minimum 20gal, then a few weeks you'll have to seperate ALL the male fry when they start fighting. Each male fry should go into a new tank, on its own - but able to see the others. At about 11 weeks, you'll be looking at selling.
That means ALOT OF TANKS. So it's not worth the hassle. 1 male fry = 1 tank. And god knows how many males you'll have
I think I remembered this correctly,
feel free to tell me if I havent, any of you expert people :D
+1 to Smelliot's comment.
If you don't know how to tell a male from a female I'd try keeping one first and learning to care for it properly for a long time before embarking on such an ambitious project.

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