How Did You Find This Forum?


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, I just wanted to know how you found this forum and why you stuck with it.

My reason is that I decided I might as well do well in fish keeping, I typed in fish forums on google, found this one and registered, after, I didn't bother to find any others because this one is so good :nod:

So tell me how you found this forum and why you stuck with it :hyper:
I honestly dont know how i found this forum.. Probably a google search also.. My reason for sticking is the same as yours.. There are some very informative people and i feel i can learn a lot and help other people with the stuff that i already know.
I did not find it.. it found me.

Yeah, whatever. I found 3 fish forums posted on all 3 oringinally and saw which one had the most traffic and intelligent responses, and landed up staying here in spite of that.. just kidding. it was because of that.

I keep coming back because I have no life and am bored at work.... :D
I was searching for a tropical fish forum on Google!

Came across this one, and decided to join because it had many UK members, unlike most I came across which were based in the US. :hey:
I too found this forum via Google. It's very informative, friendly and I have no life! :D

Like BettaUK, I like the fact that there are loads of UK users as well! :D
I found TFF when I was just browsing the internet looking for information about fish. I never even knew there was such a thing as forums before that. :D
I was on another forum and someone kept spamming, it was driving everyone nuts and a few people were talking about how the same person was spamming on another forum as well. With me being nosey like I am I wanted to come see what was going on and what was being done to stop it. Since the spammer was using the same name on both forums I searched the name on google and found this site. After I saw everything I wanted to see I realized I liked the forum so I joined and here I am. :)
I found it also by using a search engine. I feel that i can ask any type of question here and not be made to feel stupid about my lack of knowledge, being a beginner. Everyone seems to be glad to help.
I found this via a search engine (msn i think)
I stay because it is simplythe best!
I found it as I was looking for secondhand equipment in my area and found an old buy/sell topic. Joined because of that n ended up staying, mainly because of the great community here.
i googled for fish forums and this one cameup trumps after viewing 4 or 5 for a strong british group on it (no offense to the other guys and gals on the board, but for asking questions such as "where can I purchase" or for equipment recommendations, having someone from the same land mass helps)

as soon as i saw the strong british poopulation i joined and been so impressed since i've just never looked back.
A friend told be about it on another forum.
I found TFF when I was just browsing the internet looking for information about fish. I never even knew there was such a thing as forums before that. :D
I decided to actually make the internet useful to me so I did a search about gravel, found TFF, and I've been here since :)
I never even thought of a forum for fish when I first started googling fish for research, but I happened upon tff and everyone in here seemed good natured and eager to help. This is the best place to get assistance, double check research, or discuss different viewpoints of topics
Same way as the rest of you, googled (well, yahooed actually, I prefer yahoo), asked and stayed on because this is a great place!
I do visit another forum too, which I also like, but this has more traffic, and I like the specialised sections
there are just so many people on here who do interesting things, and think about interesting questions!

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