how deep can i have my gravel in main tank


Jul 16, 2004
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i need to know how deep i can go, at the moment i have agronite i think thats what its called gut thats only half an inch deep what should i do
Keep it as it is. Definately no deeper than 2inches. Any deeper than this and you start to delve into the territory of DSBs and whilst this is an excellant form of filtration it also one that can potentially wipe out the tank if it goes wrong
Sorry for using your post, but does the same rule apply for crushed coral. I assume it does, but i have mine as deep as 10cm in certian place's. I made it deep near the sides of the tank to give it that more 3 dimensional look. Most of my gravel is no more than about 2-5 cm's
I definately advise against the deeper sand. it will carry bacteria that cant survive in shalower depths and should this sand get stirred up and levelled out then the bacteria will be exposed and ause it to die off making a spike
As Navarre has said, I would either go for a shallow sand bed which only needs to be deep enough to cover the glass for aethetics, or a full deep sand bed, and not something in between. I'm not going to start the debate on deep sand beds but I think while they can and do work, you need to research carefully before you try to use one.

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