How Come?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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I have my Betta in a cycled 5gallon tank which i clean every 5-7 days, and yet he always seem to have reseeding tail? it grows back then reseeds aagain like as if he has ripped it out EKK!
There are stones inside but they are smooth no rough edges, and most of the time he lays beside them. All my tank stats are perfect there is nothing in there but a zebra snail. It's very odd!
The tank is a Fluval Chi with the square filter in the top middle.
try adding a photo of him it might help?

there are a few questions to ask
dose he hug the filter? or is it too powerful?
if so the filter may be eating his fins.

do you have something in or around the tank that is reflective?
not many know about this and put a mirror around or in tank to get him to flair more, though when he flairs by chance he can turn around and see him self thinking it is another male and attack, this will happen half the time his in there as when his fins get shorter he wont be able to reach them.

do you have him in sight of another male or female?
same as a mirror, could be attacking him self.

heated? what temp?
not sure if this would do anything though i know if it is too hot or too cold he may get stressed out.

im not sure about this one but your snail do they come in contact often?
as i said not sure as i dont keep snails but it could be eating his fins.

fin rot?
i dont think it is this as fin rot would not allow his fins to grow back
No photo is required, its not fin-rot it's his back tail clearly torn down.

I don't see him hugging the filter, it's not that powerful.

There is a mirror in the back but it's very small and i never see him looking at it or flaring at all. He's very timid.

Nothing else in the tank but the snail which he doesn't even care to look at lol.

Tank is heated to 75-80F
I'm afraid I'm unsure as to what's happening, but I've had similar issues in the past in a similar situation (cycled, regular w/cs, heated, no sharp decor, etc), so I'll be watching this topic with interest.
A friend of mine had similar problems. Though he had a Betta in a 10G with a snail colony...
The Betta's fins always seemed to recede right after a water change but would start to grow back and look fine.
My friend went away for two weeks and asked his parents to look after his pets. (He also had hamsters and a cat)His parents didn't know to clean the fish tank so they just didn't bother to clean it.
When said friend came back the Betta looked absolutely fine, no fin problems.
He cleaned the tank - and the next day his Betta's fins were receding again.
We figured his Betta didn't like the stress of 50% of his water being removed every week. So he took it down to 25% and his Betta seems to be okay with that.

It may not be whats up wit your Betta, but it worked for a friends picky Betta :p Maybe it;s worth a try.

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