How Can You Tell If Your Betta Is Sick:?:

You don't always. If he has clamped fins or his color is off or he stops eating or if he goes into hiding--check him out immediately to see if there is anything noticably wrong like fuzz on him either in clumps or just lightly fuzzy all over, see if there are any little white dots on him, see if his mouth has white cottony stuff on it or is red. If you've spent time looking at your fish, you'll be able to see if something is just off with him/her. Use a pretty strong light (flashlight) since some fungus is hard to see. See if his belly is distendeded or his scales aren't lying flat against his body, is his poop normal or is it stringy. Check his fins for rot or red streaks (that shouldn't be there). Just check him completely over. And even after that, sometimes they have internal problems that you can't see outside. Sometimes they won't even act sick but will have fuzz or specks or something that aren't supposed to be there. If your fish is acting off, also test your water because the parameters may be bad (and that's the easiest fix you can make, rather than having to treat him for illness).

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