How Can You Make This Hobby Sexier!

How Can You Make This Hobby Sexier?

"I'm a specialist in in the biology and distribution of h2o based lifeforms, and the design and distribution of their artificial life support systems."

lol this will do it.
Think semantics. "I work in a fish store" will get folks calling you fish dude, and isn't real impressive.

"I manage the daily operations of a corporation that supplies ornamental tropical fish" sounds better by far, and has a few key words that will get the ladies attention.

So true :good: .

How Can You Make This Hobby Sexier?

"I'm a specialist in in the biology and distribution of h2o based lifeforms, and the design and distribution of their artificial life support systems."

And when you get her home and she realises you keep fish, keep it sexy by doing your next water change in a thong.

Nah, when you mention stuff like h20 and artificial life it just makes its sound kinda nerdy (sorry!).

Heya Guys - random post here!

I was out on the town last night and instead of using my normal 'yeah, I train dolphins for a living' I decieded to use the truth! I actually told the girls I met that I worked in an aquatic shop and was into fish! Anyway, needless to say it didn't work and I spent the rest of the night being called 'fish-boy'! Sucks really! If only the hobby was regarded as sexier! Maybe I should just try to find someone else who likes fish! :lol:

Personally i think BIG fish tanks are awesome/sexy. Whenever you see fish tanks in movies, its almost always some gigantic aquarium.
Having a huge, awe-inspiring and beautifully decorated aquarium is the way to impress anyone, from a womans point of view it'll show that you're;
a. Rich
b. Artistic/creative
c. Caring towards animals

Just stick some cute or unique looking fish in a huge beautifully decorated tank that'll keep her attention :good: . Don't mention fishkeeping or the tank until you get her back to your place, so when she see's this awesome tank/s she is like "wow!" when she see's your tanks and is suprised. But don't talk too much about the fishkeeping as otherwise you'll seem too obsessed with it (unless of course she really wants to talk about it), just act cool about it and say that you have a fair amount of spare cash every month so decided to take up fishkeeping ;) .

I don't really think there are any "sexy" hobbies either way though :huh: ?
You'd have my undivided attention all night!! Whenever i start talking about my fishies people look at me like i'm a freak! Very ignorant people, we're obviously in a different league!!!

OMG just saw you have puffers!!! Very sexy!x

Well Hello! You only live up the road from me too! I work in Lincoln some weekends :hyper: We should meet up sometime!
I don't really think there are any "sexy" hobbies either way though :huh: ?

all about personal taste though isn't it, Ian will kill me for saying this but I play for a military band which is pretty damn geeky but he loves the uniform!! lmao :lol:
How could it be any more sexy? All the fish are already naked.
How could it be any more sexy? All the fish are already naked.

LOL, When i go out with someone( only in 8th grade), i talk to them about it, and no one seems to care about me having one or not. Of course on person had a tank too.
Think semantics. "I work in a fish store" will get folks calling you fish dude, and isn't real impressive.

"I manage the daily operations of a corporation that supplies ornamental tropical fish" sounds better by far, and has a few key words that will get the ladies attention.

Tolak, what do you say when they reply "What, a fish shop like petsmart?" Lol
When I was 18, I asked my girlfriend whether she wanted to go up to my room to see my 3ft tank :devil:. 21 years later, we're still together.

I don't really think there are any "sexy" hobbies either way though :huh: ?

Is racing driver a sexy hobby?
Unfortunately i'm not single my friend but its nice to know someone on the same county who's in to fish! Are you in Sleaford?? x

You'd have my undivided attention all night!! Whenever i start talking about my fishies people look at me like i'm a freak! Very ignorant people, we're obviously in a different league!!!

OMG just saw you have puffers!!! Very sexy!x

Well Hello! You only live up the road from me too! I work in Lincoln some weekends :hyper: We should meet up sometime!
Think semantics. "I work in a fish store" will get folks calling you fish dude, and isn't real impressive.

"I manage the daily operations of a corporation that supplies ornamental tropical fish" sounds better by far, and has a few key words that will get the ladies attention.

Tolak, what do you say when they reply "What, a fish shop like petsmart?" Lol

Oh geez PetSmart? You don't stop there, you continue with you corporation being multi-national, with nearly a thousand satellite operation,with publicly traded stock since 1993. We have an analyst meeting planned for October, in Arizona, that I may be attending. Ever been to Arizona babe?

I might be 47, but I can still come up with a good line for picking up chicks, and my wife knows it. :lol: Do some research & prepare before you go out hitting on women if you work at PetSmart;;p=irol-irhome
Unfortunately i'm not single my friend but its nice to know someone on the same county who's in to fish! Are you in Sleaford?? x

The good ones are always taken! :lol: Nope, not in Sleaford. I live just outside Bourne. :good: Spent 16 good years in slea though!

Is racing driver a sexy hobby?

Yes! However, I was on about my job not my hobby!

Oh geez PetSmart? You don't stop there, you continue with you corporation being multi-national, with nearly a thousand satellite operation,with publicly traded stock since 1993. We have an analyst meeting planned for October, in Arizona, that I may be attending. Ever been to Arizona babe?

Kinda nerdy though when you have like 3 seconds to shout across a club and tell someone what ya do!
Usually I do 'Hi, i'm Tim, I train dolphins for living!'

Well, I tend to actually go by the name of Brad because Tim is too nerdy! Funnily enough, last October I was on Radio 1 in the UK talking about this exact subject!
"Hey baby... wanna see my puffer?" :D

Wouldn't work so well if it was a dwarf puffer though!

Could go for something corny like "Whats your name baby? You look like an angel and my new angel fish needs your name!" I guess that might lead to "You think I look like a fish?! *smack* " :D
I'm taken. I have been for going on 6 years, but most new people I meet think that my tanks are pretty sweet.

Will it get ya some....maybe not....but it can be a good topic to talk about. In the right environment. Obviously you're not gonna walk up to some slamming hot chick in a bar/club and be like "Hey baby, wanna see my 5 foot tank?". That would call for a slappin'.
"Hey baby... wanna see my puffer?" :D

Wouldn't work so well if it was a dwarf puffer though!

Could go for something corny like "Whats your name baby? You look like an angel and my new angel fish needs your name!" I guess that might lead to "You think I look like a fish?! *smack* " :D

:lol: Next time i'm properly hammered i'm so gonna try that now! "Alright love! Wanna come see my Puffer?" Brilliant!

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