How Can This Be "good" I Just Saw It On Ebay

Wish I had some decent pics of mine to show you. Mine are the proper Ecospheres, with plants in. And yeah, you have to keep them out of direct sunlight or you get an algae bloom, much as with a fish tank! They seal a tiny magnet inside too, and give you an extra magnet, so you can clean the glass. Mine are sealed at the bottm, you can see a sort of plug sealed into the glass. Bloody expensive, but very cute to watch!
Those things are terrible.

The shrimp end up becoming smaller from each successive molting, and end up dying in a few years. They can live for almost twenty in decent conditions. said:
Sadly, this little shrimp is currently being abused by being sold in tiny, spherical, fully sealed glass containers widely called "ecospheres." It is claimed by the companies that sell them that they are selling a fully functioning ecosystem with the shrimp and the algae keeping each other alive. However, that is a sad and devious lie, which is being propagated by these companies for the sake of profits and to the detriment of these wonderful animals. The truth is that these shrimp are slowly *starving to death*, *suffocating* and being *poisoned* in those containers, due to lack of food and oxygen, and the accumulation of shrimp waste. This kind of container would kill any other shrimp within a few days, but it takes 1-3 years for Hawaiian Red Shrimp to finally die, since it has developed such a remarkable physiology to deal with extreme situations. During this 1-3 year torture, they actually *shrink* (every time they molt) due to lack of food, which means that they are basically consuming their own body. They could perfectly well take all the other extreme conditions in those "ecospheres" (lack of air etc.), but what kills them in the end is the lack of real food over a long period of time. The little algae they find in the container lacks in nutritional value and is just not enough to keep these shrimp alive for long. It seems to be "in" and "cool" to have these tiny torture containers sitting on one's desk nowadays, but hopefully this website can contribute towards informing the general public about what is really behind those "ecospheres." It is my sincere hope that this shrimp becomes widespread in the hobby at some point in time, so that there will be no need to buy "torturespheres."
i knew it would be bad but that is awful... i think it was obvious really, imo nothing could happily live for up to 10yrs in a glass ball, maybe david blane, but nothing worth worrying about
Put it this way. Would you like to live in a glass ball all your life. I certainly wont buy one
well put it this way...

the ball is like a room in a house
a tank is like the whole house + garden.

what would you prefer to live in?

I'm sorry but these analogies are just stupid. Comparing the brain activity of a shrimp with that of a human is almost laughable it's so ridiculous. Shrimp don't even have a spine, therefore they don't have complex nervous systems and their nervous systems are very small, it is highly unlikely that they feel pain in an emotive sense, they are unable to have emotions and therefore would be largely unaware that they are in enclosed surroundings.

You are comparing one of the least intelligent animals on earth to the most intelligent animal on earth :rolleyes:
as usual it seems the answer is something NASA has tried to cover up lol. loooks like they get them in through a little hole they plug up with a plug and put a NASA tested sticker over it to try and hide the cork LOL.

or so it seems to me... MOON landing on stage 9 anyone LOL
If you don't like it don't buy it! If you feel that strongly then write to the seller!
Does seem a tad pointless and seriously over priced to me, but, if it keeps kids happy :)
Hmmm I am not sure about the shrimp 'shrinking'. Mine have all got much bigger than when I first got them (they were miniscule at first!). And I have seen thgem shed their skins, and each time they look bigger! You can see them eating algae just about all the time, they seriously love to eat, so I doubt very much they are gonna starve to death. :S

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