How Can I Get Them To Breed


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Northamptonshire UK
Is there anything i can do to try to encourage my corydoras to breed? I have six but im unsure of the sex-how do identify which are male or female? x
Corrys can be sexed looking from the top down and the females are clearly more "plump" than the males. Water changes stimulates their breeding.... i.e. the sudden reduction of water temp.
hi emmag21

what type have you got ?
there could be a number of things maybe why they havent spawned yet 1 there age ,2 if uv got m -f
3 there enviroment 4 have you conditioned them,

feed them for 1-2 weeks on frozen foods ,live foods, flake ,pellits ,tuba fix worm, earth worms,
females are wider and plumper from a top veiw, like Ludwig Venter says conditioning them gets them in top shape give them more food than usual more food = a good time to breed :D but more food means more hovering uneated foods out keep the water in good condition.
after 1 -2 weeks start performing cool water changes ov up to 20-30% every couple ov days u can take the water straight from the cold water tap as they will luv it and mimics the rainy season

Drewry, I am no expert but have been conversing with a real expert on this. One thing he said was to make sure you are using water in the pH / hardness range that your cories prefer for those cold water changes. In my case that would be RO water because my water is hard with a high pH and the habrosus I want to breed like soft and slightly acid pH.

Odds are (unless you are extremely unlucky) that you'll have at least one female. The males will find her. Along with what drewry and oldman47 said you also have to make sure they comfortable in their environment and that they have places to lay the eggs. This sometimes depends on the species. Mine for example like amazon swords, java moss, cobomba and sometimes the glass sides and ignore the other plants. I can't prove it but I think that a low pressure weather system moving in can also help. They won't breed if they are being harassed by other fish. There are a number of sites that give specifics for you species (which you haven't mentioned.

Some members of this list have gone years without having theirs breed.

Good luck.
I have 4 Peppered, one of which has been identified on here through a different post as a female. 1 Sherbai (not certain of spelling) 1 bronze and 1 bandit. Im going to get another of each of those that i only have one of so they can pair up. x

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